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Employment Equity

The Manitoba Floodway Authority (MFA) is committed to:

  • employment equity for designated groups that are underrepresented in the Manitoba construction industry workforce – Aboriginal people, women, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities

  • a pool of skilled equity group members available to work on the floodway and other future construction projects

  • ensuring meaningful employment equity hiring on the floodway project.

As a result, the MFA has established an Employment Equity Strategy to help meet these objectives. The strategy consists of three key components:

  1. 20% Employment Initiative - To have a minimum of 20% of the overall labour workforce consisting of available qualified employment equity hires.

    For more information, please visit “Employment and Training”

  2. Aboriginal Set-Aside Initiative – To generate jobs and economic opportunities for the Aboriginal community, through an Aboriginal Set-Aside Initiative for Aboriginal businesses and workers.

  3. Floodway Training Initiative (FTI) - To increase the pool of skilled equity target group members for work on the floodway project, other heavy construction projects, and the construction industry at large, MFA is working with Manitoba Advanced Education & Training (MAET).


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