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Heavy vehicles  

Heavy vehicle blind spots, collision danger zones 

Watch the blind spots!
Did you know that the driver in a heavy vehicle can't always see you? Like you in your car, truck and bus drivers can't see certain areas on the roadway around their vehicles. And the sheer size of heavy vehicles increases the risk of collision in those areas. So, when you're driving your car through a heavy vehicle driver's blind spot, it's no time to take chances

Here are five typical situations, each one illustrated in a 15-second video. You can open them with :

Download Windows MediaPlayer Windows MediaPlayer (520 KB)
Download QuickTime. or QuickTime (300 KB).

If you do not have either one, we suggest you download QuickTime, which works in Windows or Mac, since the files are lighter and the image is clearer.

In front of a heavy vehicle

When you pass a truck - on the left, of course - accelerate so that you enter the truck driver's field of vision as soon as possible, and don't get back into the right-hand lane until you can see the whole truck in your interior rearview mirror.
Blind spot in front Blind spot in front of the vehicle
Open with MediaPlayer (Windows) Open with Quicktime (Mac and Windows) Open with MediaPlayer (Windows) Open with Quicktime (Mac and Windows)

Behind a heavy vehicle

If you can't see one of the outside rearview mirrors of the truck in front of you, you're too close. The truck driver can't see you, and a collision may be inevitable if the driver slows down or brakes suddenly.
Blind spot to the rear of the vehicle  
Open with MediaPlayer (Windows) Open with Quicktime (Mac and Windows)

On either side of the heavy vehicle

When you're driving beside a heavy vehicle, the driver might not see you and may decide to change course, placing you in danger. Depending on the situation, accelerate or slow down until the driver can see you. You'll know the driver can see you if you see the driver's face in the heavy vehicle's outside rearview mirror.
Blind spot on either side of the vehicle Blind spot on either side of the vehicle
Open with MediaPlayer (Windows) Open with Quicktime (Mac and Windows) Open with MediaPlayer (Windows) Open with Quicktime (Mac and Windows)

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Last modification of this page: 2006-04-04
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