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Help for victims of crime

Victim Impact Statements

Requesting restitution

Financial Benefits Program

Victim program grants

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Victims of crime
Help for victims of crime
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We often think of crime as something that happens to other people. We do not expect to be affected by crime. When a crime occurs that affects us, we are often unsure as to what help is available. If you are the victim of a crime, support is available to you in your own community.

Alberta Victims of Crime Act

Guiding Principles

  1. Victims should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect.
  2. The privacy of victims should be considered and respected to the greatest extent possible.
  3. All reasonable measures should be taken to minimize inconvenience to victims.
  4. Victims should promptly receive, in accordance with the Act and the regulations; financial benefits for the injuries that they have suffered.
  5. The safety and security of victims should be considered at all stages of the criminal justice process, and appropriate measures to protect victims from intimidation and retaliation should be taken when necessary.
  6. Information should be provided to victims about the criminal justice system and the victim's role and opportunities to participate in criminal justice processes.
  7. Information should be provided to victims, in accordance with prevailing law, policies, and procedures, about the status of the investigation, the scheduling, progress and final outcome of the proceedings and the status of the offender in the correctional system.
  8. Information should be provided to victims about available victim assistance services, including the Victim Impact Statement Program, requesting restitution, means of obtaining financial reparation and other assistance and programs.
  9. The views, concerns and representation of victims are an important consideration in criminal justice processes and should be considered in accordance with prevailing law, policies and procedures.
  10. The needs, concerns and diversity of victims should be considered in the development and delivery of programs and services and in related education and training.
  11. Information should be provided to victims about available options to raise their concerns when they believe that these principles have not been followed.

Common Questions


Victims Programs
Financial Benefits
Victim Impact Statement
Contact Information

Victims Programs


In addition to community support, funding is available from the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security Victims of Crime Fund to establish programs to help victims of crime. A network of Victim Service Units has been established and operate out of police facilities to follow-up the initial police response and provide assistance to victims as their cases proceed through the criminal justice system.


If you have suffered financial loss as a result of a crime, you may have the right to seek restitution from the offender.

Information about restitution and a Request for Restitution form is available from the police. Once you have completed the form and established the amount of restitution you are seeking, return the form to the police as quickly as possible. The form is then given to the Crown prosecutor who may make application to the court for a Restitution Order.

Financial Benefits


If you have been injured as a direct result of a violent crime in Alberta or are a survivor (spouse/partner, child or parent) of a fatally injured victim of crime, you may be eligible for financial benefits from the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security Financial Benefits Program. There is an application deadline of 2 years from the date of the incident. Eligibility is not dependent on an offender being convicted or charged. For information on how to apply, contact Financial Benefits at 427-7217 or your local victim service program.

Victim Impact Statement


Under section 722 of the Criminal Code of Canada, a Victim Impact Statement allows you to express in writing to a judge how being a victim of crime has affected you and the people close to you.

Your Victim Impact Statement should describe the harm done, the loss suffered by you and the emotional impact you have experienced.

Information or evidence regarding the offence should already have been included in the witness statement provided to police and should not be included on the victim impact statement. The statement should not contain criticisms of the offender or recommendations as to the severity of punishment.

Once completed, your statement will be provided to the court and will be considered by the judge at the time the offender is sentenced.

You may be cross-examined in court on the contents of your statement.

Contact Information


Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security helps communities assist victims of crime. Victims of crime who want further information or feel they have not been treated fairly can contact:

Victims Programs
Telephone: (780) 427-3460
Fax: (780) 422-4213

For more information on applying for benefits for injuries suffered as a result of crime contact:

Financial Benefits Program
Telephone: (780) 427-7217
Fax: (780) 422-4213

Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security, 10th Floor, J.E. Brownlee Bldg.
10365 – 97 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3W7

Common Questions

Common Questions

As a victim of crime, what resources are there to help me?

Where can I get help if I have been a victim of crime?

How can I avoid becoming a victim of crime?

What if, as a victim, I'm not referred for help?

What if Victim Service Units are not within the police service?

What help can I expect from Victim Service Units?

What programs are available for victims or potential victims of family violence?

How do the guidelines Bail - Victims of Serious Domestic Violence Notification and Protection help victims?

What services are available?


Information Guide for Victims of Sexual Assault 
September 08, 2006

Victims Programs Status Report 2004 - 2005 
November 21, 2005

Victims Programs Status Report: 2003 - 2004  
September 01, 2004

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Government of Alberta