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Victims of crime
Victim program grants
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Groups and organizations that are supported by their community to provide programs and services that benefit victims of crime during their involvement with the criminal justice processes are eligible to apply for funding. Priority for funding is given to police based volunteer programs.

Grant application deadlines are April 1 and October 1. Applications are first reviewed for clarity and completeness before submission to the Victims of Crime Programs Committee. The Committee must first assess and evaluate grant applications before a decision is made by the Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security. All applicants will be notified in writing of the decision regarding their grant application.

Successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement. The agreement outlines certain conditions that must be met. In addition, successful recipients will be required to provide information about their program throughout the year and at the conclusion of their funding term.



Programs requesting funding from the Victims of Crime Fund are expected to apply the Victims of Crime Act Principles in their day-to-day involvement with victims of crime:

  1. Victims should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect.
  2. The privacy of victims should be considered and respected to the greatest extent possible.
  3. All reasonable measures should be taken to minimize inconvenience to victims.
  4. Victims should promptly receive, in accordance with the Act and the regulations; financial benefits for the injuries that they have suffered.
  5. The safety and security of victims should be considered at all stages of the criminal justice process, and appropriate measures to protect victims from intimidation and retaliation should be taken when necessary.
  6. Information should be provided to victims about the criminal justice system and the victim's role and opportunities to participate in criminal justice processes.
  7. Information should be provided to victims, in accordance with prevailing law, policies, and procedures, about the status of the investigation, the scheduling, progress and final outcome of the proceedings and the status of the offender in the correctional system.
  8. Information should be provided to victims about available victim assistance services, including the Victim Impact Statement Program, requesting restitution, means of obtaining financial reparation and other assistance and programs.
  9. The views, concerns and representation of victims are an important consideration in criminal justice processes and should be considered in accordance with prevailing law, policies and procedures.
  10. The needs, concerns and diversity of victims should be considered in the development and delivery of programs and services and in related education and training.
  11. Information should be provided to victims about available options to raise their concerns when they believe that these principles have not been followed.

Victims Of Crime Fund Grant Process

A. Distribution of Application Forms and Grant Regulations

An application form, funding guidelines, and a copy of the Victims of Crime Programs Regulation, will be forwarded to those groups who express interest in applying for funding. The applicant may use their own (word-processing) format, providing all information requested on the form is included. Application forms can be accessed through the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security Web site at:

B. Pre-application Interview

Before completing an application, groups and organizations who provide, or are interested in providing, services that benefit victims of crime during their involvement with criminal justice processes, must contact the Manager, Grants Administration, toll-free through Service Alberta - 310-0000 at (780) 427-3460, to determine if your project is eligible to be considered for a grant. The contact should be made at least one month prior to the application deadline, to discuss your program/initiative. This allows you time to gather any additional information, if needed, to prepare a thorough and complete application. You should allow 15-30 minutes for the telephone consultation and an appointment will generally be established with you by Victims Program staff.

To facilitate the pre-application interview, please have the following information on hand:

  • A brief overview of the organization
  • Program/Initiative description
  • Goals and objectives
  • How victims of crime are referred to your program
  • Proposed budget
  • How the Victims of Crime Grant funds are to be spent
  • Financial statements for the last complete fiscal year and current year
  • Other funding sources
  • How you will evaluate your program
  • Any questions you may have

C. Performance Measurement Information

Performance measurement information is used to clearly show that your program/initiative will produce benefits for people or will make a positive difference in the lives of people to merit financial support from the Victims of Crime Fund. These benefits or changes are also known as outcomes you are expecting to occur for the participants or target groups because of a program/initiative. These may be a change in behaviour, skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, condition, status or other attributes that will be relatively easy to measure.

D. Funding Limitations

Not considered eligible are applications from other Provincial or Federal government departments with the exception of police services, and applications for:

  • capital purchases; (such as computers, furniture, photocopiers, vehicles)
  • debt reduction;
  • programs which are within another government department’s funding mandate (i.e., emergency accommodation);
  • lobbying activities;
  • counselling/treatment programs
  • programs/initiatives that duplicate services already provided by another agency

One initiative per organization/applicant per year is eligible to be considered for funding. The maximum grant awarded is $100,000.

Grant monies are to be directed toward program/initiative operating costs.

E. Funding Request

The applicant must specify the amount requested and outline how grant monies will be used.

F. Base Funding for Police Based Programs

A Base Funding calculation applies to police based programs only. In order to receive funding, programs must apply for the funding and comply with the “Service Guidelines for Police Based Programs,” a copy of which is included with the application package.

The Base Funding formula is used to calculate a Base Funding amount for eligible programs.

The formula:

  • allocates a specified amount from the Victims of Crime Fund to police-based programs that provide services (as outlined in the Service Guidelines for Police Based Programs),
  • utilizes a per crime amount that has been calculated using violent crime statistics from Uniform Crime Report data submitted to Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security by all police services.

Programs eligible for Base Funding will receive a minimum of $8,000. The amount of Base Funding that is calculated for police based programs can be obtained by contacting Victims Programs toll-free through Service Alberta 310-0000 at (780) 427-3460. Base Funding will be discussed during the pre-application interview.

G. Discretionary Funding for Community (Non-Police Based) and Police Based Programs

Specialized programs/initiatives that benefit victims during the criminal justice process and are non-police based may be eligible for Discretionary Funding.

For police based programs, Discretionary Funding may be awarded if any of the following factors apply:

  • large geographical area/low population density (recognizes distance, remoteness and costs incurred for travel and training)
  • unique demographics (recognizes additional costs for developing specialized programs to meet needs)
  • weaker economic base (recognizes limitations on the potential for community financial support)
  • lack of other support services (recognizes that a wide range of services are provided)
  • new programs/initiatives (recognizes new programs, program expansion and enhancement)
  • other special circumstances that may be identified by the applicant.

H. Multi-year Funding

The Committee may make recommendations for funding up to three years, if requested, where an established program has:

  • operated successfully for three consecutive years in partnership with Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security;
  • met the conditions of previous funding agreements;
  • demonstrated sound management practices

I. Acknowledgement of Grant Applications

A letter confirming receipt of the application, and when the Committee will be evaluating the grant request will be provided to all organizations that have applied.

J. Review of Grant Applications

Applications are reviewed for clarity, completeness and eligibility before submission to the Victims of Crime Programs Committee (VOCPC). Applicants may be contacted and on-site visits may occur. The VOCPC assesses the applicant’s grant request and makes recommendations based on funding priorities and the amount in the Victims of Crime Fund grants budget. Based on assessment criteria, funding recommended and awarded may be less than that sought by the applicant. Committee recommendations are submitted to the Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security for decision. The decisions of the Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security are based upon the Committee’s recommendations and program grants cannot be authorized without the Committee’s recommendation.

K. Funding Agreement

Applicants approved for a grant must enter into a funding agreement that outlines terms and conditions to be met. Conditions include a requirement for providing quarterly reports respecting program/initiative activity and annual financial statements.

Funding agreements (three copies) are signed by the applicant and a designate of the Department of the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security. The grant must be used only for the program described in the application and referred to in the funding agreement. Grant monies unspent at the expiration of the funding term must be returned unless otherwise authorized. Extensions to the term of the funding agreement require that the grant recipient outline in writing the reasons for the extension. An amendment to the funding agreement is signed by the grant recipient and a designate from the Department of Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security.

L. Payment of Grant

Grant cheques are issued after funding agreements have been signed and witnessed by both parties. The grant may be paid:

  • in either a lump sum, or installments; and
  • at the times specified in the agreement.

M. Interim and Program Evaluation Reports

During the term of the agreement, the Manager, Grant Administration may request interim reports or additional program information. If this information is not received grant cheques may not be issued or may be delayed until the information is received.

The Program Evaluation Report and Financial Statements must be submitted by grant recipients within 60 days of expiration of the term of the funding agreement and may be requested prior to a subsequent application for funding.

N. Public Acknowledgement

Grant recipients are required to adequately acknowledge the contribution made by the Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security in any information released or announced to the public concerning the program for which the grant was awarded.


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