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Victims of crime
Requesting restitution
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If you have suffered financial loss as a result of a crime, you may have the right to seek restitution from the offender.

Restitution is a way for the offender to repay you for the loss you have suffered.

Contact Information


Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security helps communities assist victims of crime. Victims of crime who want further information or feel they have not been treated fairly can contact:

Victims Programs
Telephone: (780) 427-3460
Fax: (780) 422-4213

For more information on applying for benefits for injuries suffered as a result of crime contact:

Financial Benefits Program
Telephone: (780) 427-7217
Fax: (780) 422-4213

Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security, 10th Floor, J.E. Brownlee Bldg.
10365 – 97 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3W7

Common Questions

How do I apply for restitution?

How will I know the status of my request for restitution?

What information is required on the Request for Restitution form?

Do I have to provide proof of my loss when requesting restitution?

Why must I submit the Request for Restitution Form to the police as quickly as possible?

Will I have to appear in court?

When can an offender be ordered to make restitution?

What if the offender is unable to pay a fine and repay me?

What restitution may be ordered by the court as a result of a crime?

If I'm not in court, how will I get a copy of the restitution order?

What steps do I take after the court has ordered restitution for me?

Will I have to pay a fee to file a restitution order in the Court of Queen's Bench?

What if restitution is ordered, but not paid?

If the Criminal Court does not or cannot grant restitution or I am unsatisfied with the amount of restitution granted, can I pursue the matter in Civil Court?

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