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Victims of crime
Victim Impact Statements
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Aftermath of Crime

No one ever expects something like this to happen to them.

If you have been a victim of a crime, you may experience physical and emotional effects that are not only painful but may also be confusing and frightening.

Some victims of crime find the criminal justice system intimidating and frustrating.

Some victims of crime feel as if their privacy and sense of personal security have been taken from them. They may find themselves unable to trust others and afraid that the crime will recur. They may have difficulty sleeping and eating. They may experience anxiety and fear.

They may think there was something they could have done to prevent the incident.

You may experience some or all of these feelings in the days and weeks after the incident. All these feelings are natural and normal, and will usually pass in time.

You cannot be blamed when someone else breaks the law. It is not your fault.

Common Questions

Common Questions

What is a Victim Impact Statement?

Who may prepare a Victim Impact Statement?

Do I have to prepare a Victim Impact Statement?

Why should I prepare a Victim Impact Statement?

How do I prepare the Victim Impact Statement?

Can someone help me prepare my Victim Impact Statement?

Will the offender see my Victim Impact Statement?

Can I read my Victim Impact Statement in court?

How and when will my Victim Impact Statement be used?


Victim Impact Statement information brochure 
August 01, 2006


Victim Impact Statement 

Contact Information


Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security helps communities assist victims of crime.

For further information contact the nearest victim service program or:

Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security
Victims Programs
10th Floor, J.E. Brownlee Building
10365 — 97 Street,
Telephone: (780) 427-3460
Fax: (780) 422-4213

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Government of Alberta