Yukon Legislative Assembly Home

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Members - Biographical sketches of the Members of the Legislative Assemblyspacer.gif (808

    bytes) Order Paper - The Assembly's daily agenda. It should be available online no later than 9:00 a.m. each sitting day.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Progress of Billsspacer.gif (808 bytes) Bills - A list of all Bills before the House and gives the status of each.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Blues - The preliminary Hansard transcript. It will be available online within four and one-half hours of the adjournment of the Assembly on each sitting day.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Yesterday's Hansard - The transcript of the second most recent day of sitting of the Legislative Assembly.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Hansard - The daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. It will generally be available online within two sitting days.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Standing - The rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Contact Usspacer.gif (808 bytes) Site Map

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The Standing Orders are the rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.

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Time of Sittings

2(1)   The time for the meeting of the Assembly shall be 1:00 p.m. on each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday unless otherwise ordered. The normal hour of adjournment shall be 5:30 p.m.

(2)      On each sitting day, at the normal hour of adjournment, the Speaker shall adjourn the Assembly without question put, and the Assembly then stands adjourned until the next sitting day unless otherwise ordered.

(3)      When the Assembly rises on Thursday, it shall stand adjourned until the following Monday unless otherwise ordered.

(4)      At the normal hour of adjournment the Chair, if the Assembly at that hour is in Committee of the Whole, shall rise and report to the Assembly on the proceedings of Committee of the Whole.

(5)      A motion to sit beyond the normal hour of adjournment must be moved by the Government House Leader or designate at least one-half hour before the normal hour of adjournment. Such motion shall specify the business to be dealt with and may be moved either with the Speaker in the Chair or while the Assembly is in Committee of the Whole.


3(1)    The presence of at least nine members of the Assembly, including the Speaker, is necessary to constitute a meeting of the Assembly for the exercise of its powers, but if there is not a quorum, the Speaker shall take the Chair and adjourn the Assembly until the next sitting day.

(2)      If, at any time during a sitting of the Assembly, the Speaker's attention is drawn to the fact that there does not appear to be a quorum, the Speaker shall cause the bells to ring for four minutes and then do a count. If there is still not a quorum, the Speaker shall adjourn the Assembly until the next sitting day.

(3)      Eight members, including the Chair, shall constitute a quorum in Committee of the Whole.

(4)      While in Committee of the Whole, if the Chair's attention is drawn to an apparent lack of a quorum, the Chair shall ring the bells for four minutes and then do a count. If there is still not a quorum, the Chair shall report the matter to the Speaker, who shall repeat the procedure. If, on the Speaker's count, a quorum is present, the Assembly shall resolve itself into Committee; otherwise, the Speaker shall adjourn the Assembly until the next sitting day.

(5)      If the Speaker or the Chair believes a quorum to have been established before four minutes have elapsed, the bells shall be stopped and a count done.

(6)      Whenever the Speaker adjourns the Assembly for want of a quorum, the time of the adjournment and the names of the members then present shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings.


4(1)    The Speaker shall not participate as a private member in any business before the Assembly.

(2)      In the event of a tie vote, the Speaker shall cast the deciding vote and any reasons stated shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings.

(3)      The Speaker may participate as a private member in the business of Committee of the Whole.

Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chair

5(1)    The Deputy Speaker shall be Chair of Committee of the Whole.

(2)      The Assembly may, from time to time as necessary, elect a Deputy Chair of Committee of the Whole who shall be entitled to take the Chair of Committee.

(3)      If the Chair and Deputy Chair are absent, the Speaker shall, before leaving the Chair upon the Assembly resolving into Committee of the Whole, appoint a member to be acting Chair.

Order and Decorum

6(1)    The Speaker shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order. In deciding a question of order or practice, the Speaker may state the Standing Order or other authority applicable to the case. No debate shall be permitted on any such decision, and no decision shall be subject to an appeal to the Assembly.

(2)      In the case of grave disorder arising, the Speaker may, without motion, adjourn the sitting or suspend it for a specified time.

(3)      When entering or leaving the Chamber, members shall bow to the Chair.

(4)      When the Speaker speaks at any time, any member speaking shall sit down and the Speaker shall be heard without interruption.

(5)      When the Speaker is putting a question, no member shall enter, walk out of or across the Assembly, or make any noise or disturbance.

(6)      When a member is speaking, no member shall interrupt, except to raise a point of order or a question of privilege.

(7)      Members shall take care not to pass between a member who is speaking and the Speaker, or between the Speaker's Chair and the Mace.

(8)      When the Assembly adjourns, the members shall remain in their places until the Speaker has left the Chamber.

Question of Privilege

7(1)    A member wishing to raise a question of privilege shall

(a) following the Daily Routine and before the Orders of the Day are called, and
(b) after having given a written notice containing a brief statement of the question to the Speaker at least two hours before the opening of the sitting,

call attention to the alleged breach of privilege and explain the matter.

(2)     A member may always raise a question of privilege in the Assembly immediately after the words are spoken or the events occur that give rise to the question.

(3)     The Speaker may allow such debate as is necessary to assist in the determination of whether there appears to be a prima facie case of breach of privilege and whether the matter is being raised at the earliest opportunity.

(4)      When the Speaker has ruled that

(a) there appears to be a prima facie case of breach of privilege, and
(b) the matter has been raised at the earliest opportunity

any member may either immediately propose a motion or, not later than at the conclusion of the next sitting day, give notice of a motion calling upon the Assembly to take action thereon or referring the same to a Committee of the Assembly.

(5)     If the Speaker rules that there is no prima facie case of breach of privilege or that the matter has not been raised at the earliest opportunity, the matter is then closed.

(6)     Unless otherwise directed by the Assembly, it is not a breach of privilege for a member of a Committee to discuss with the members of the Assembly, on a confidential basis, matters that are under consideration by the Committee.

Attendance of Members

8      Every member is bound to attend the service of the Assembly, unless leave of absence has been given by the Speaker.

Pecuniary Interest

9(1)    No member is entitled to vote upon any question in which the member has a direct pecuniary interest.

(2)      Notwithstanding Standing Order 9(1), a member is entitled to vote upon any question concerning the indemnities, expenses or salaries of members of the Legislative Assembly payable by the Government of Yukon.


10(1)    If any member takes notice that strangers are present, the Speaker or the Chair shall without debate or amendment put the question "Shall strangers be ordered to withdraw?"

(2)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Speaker or the Chair may order the withdrawal of strangers.

(3)      The Sergeant-at-Arms shall when ordered by the Speaker or the Chair, eject any strangers admitted into any part of the Chamber or gallery who do not properly conduct themselves or do not withdraw when strangers are ordered to withdraw.

Cabinet Commissioners

10.1      A member designated as a Cabinet commissioner is a private member. With the exception of Standing Orders 11(4), 11(5) and 58(2.1), the Standing Orders apply equally to all private members including those members designated as Cabinet commissioners.

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