Yukon Legislative Assembly Home

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Members - Biographical sketches of the Members of the Legislative Assemblyspacer.gif (808
    bytes) Order Paper - The Assembly's daily agenda. It should be available online no later than 9:00 a.m. each sitting day.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Progress of Billsspacer.gif (808 bytes) Bills - A list of all Bills before the House and gives the status of each.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Blues - The preliminary Hansard transcript. It will be available online within four and one-half hours of the adjournment of the Assembly on each sitting day.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Yesterday's Hansard - The transcript of the second most recent day of sitting of the Legislative Assembly.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Hansard - The daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. It will generally be available online within two sitting days.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Standing - The rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Contact Usspacer.gif (808 bytes) Site Map


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The Standing Orders are the rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.

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Appointment of Standing Committees

45(1)  At the commencement of the first Session of each Legislature a Standing Committee on Rules, Elections and Privileges and a Standing Committee on Statutory Instruments shall be appointed.

(2)      At the commencement of the first Session of each Legislature a Members' Services Board with the Speaker as Chair shall be appointed.

(3)      At the commencement of the first Session of each Legislature a Standing Committee on Public Accounts shall be appointed and the Public Accounts and all Reports of the Auditor General shall stand referred automatically and permanently to the said Committee as they become available.

(3.1)   A Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees may be appointed.

(3.2)   The Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees:

(a) shall review nominations and recommend appointments to the following major boards and committees:

a. Yukon Development Corporation Board of Directors
b. Yukon Energy Corporation Board of Directors
c. Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board
d. Yukon Lottery Commission
e. Yukon Recreation Advisory Council
f. Arts Advisory Council
g. Yukon Utilities Board
h. Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment; and
i. Yukon Human Rights Commission;

(b) may review other appointments proposed by the Executive Council that are referred to it by the Executive Council;

(c) shall meet in camera; and

(d) shall prepare a report within 45 days of receipt of a proposed appointment or of proposed appointments and such report shall contain the appointment or list of appointments recommended by the Committee.

(3.3)   The Chair of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees shall present all reports of the Committee to the Legislative Assembly but, if the Legislative Assembly is not sitting at the time a report has been agreed to by the Committee, the Chair shall transmit the report to all Members of the Legislative Assembly and then release the report to the public.

(3.4)   When the Commissioner in Executive Council or, if applicable, a Minister, due to legal requirements or operational needs, has deemed it necessary to make an appointment prior to the expiration of the 45 day period, the Committee shall be notified in writing, by the Executive Council Office, of appointments made by a Minister or by the Commissioner in Executive Council.

(3.5)   The first Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees shall consist of three members from the government caucus, one member from the official opposition caucus and the third party member. [provisional - to be in effect only during the Thirtieth Legislative Assembly]

(4)      At any time, a Special or Select Committee may be appointed to consider any matter referred to it by the Assembly.

(5)      No Standing, Special or Select Committee shall consist of more than seven members without the consent of the Assembly.

(6)      The Clerk shall distribute to every member a list of the members comprising the Committees and the Members' Services Board.


46(1) The member first named in the motion establishing the membership of any Committee shall call the first meeting of the Committee.

(2)      At the first meeting of a Committee, a Chair shall be elected who shall act as Chair during the life of the Committee.

(3)      A majority of the members of a Committee shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise specified in the motion establishing the Committee.

(4)      A notice of all Committee meetings shall be posted in the Legislative Assembly Office.

Membership Substitution and Replacement

47(1) A member who is not a member of a Committee may attend a Committee meeting for the purpose of presenting a submission to the Committee but shall not be permitted to vote.

(2)      A member of a Committee who is unable, on a temporary basis, to attend the business of the Committee may delegate a stand-in member who shall have full voting privileges. Notice of the name of the substitute member shall be given to the Chair prior to the meeting.

(3)      A member of any Committee of the Assembly who is unable to attend the business of the Committee because of death, long illness, resignation from the Assembly, or resignation from the Committee, where accepted, may be replaced by a motion of the Assembly.


48(1)  No witness shall attend before any Committee unless a written statement has first been filed with the Chair of the Committee by a member thereof, stating that the evidence to be obtained from the witness is material and important.

(2)       Subject to the appropriation of funds, the Clerk, upon the recommendation of a Committee, may pay to any witness called before a Committee a reasonable allowance for travelling and living expenses.

Committee Reports

49(1)  A report from a Committee shall be signed by the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, and shall be presented to the Assembly by the Chair or by another member of the Committee authorized by the Chair or the Committee.

(2)       A report from a Standing or Special Committee shall not be amended by the Assembly but may be concurred in, in whole or in part, rejected, or referred back to the Committee.

Committee Documents

50(1)  All documents which come into the possession of a Committee or which come into existence in the course of the conduct of the business and affairs of the Committee belong to the Committee before it reports to the Assembly and belong to the Assembly after the Committee reports to the Assembly, subject to any direction of the Speaker acting on an order of the Assembly.

(2)       Notwithstanding Standing Order 50(1), where a Committee does not report to the Assembly before dissolution of the Legislature, all documents which came into the possession of the Committee or which came into existence in the course of the conduct of the business and affairs of the Committee belong to the Assembly upon its dissolution subject to

(a) any directions of the Committee as to their disposal;
(b) any directions as to their disposal contained in any order of the Assembly; or
(c) in the absence of any other directions, then in accordance with the directions of the Speaker.

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