Yukon Legislative Assembly Home

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Members - Biographical sketches of the Members of the Legislative Assemblyspacer.gif (808
    bytes) Order Paper - The Assembly's daily agenda. It should be available online no later than 9:00 a.m. each sitting day.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Progress of Billsspacer.gif (808 bytes) Bills - A list of all Bills before the House and gives the status of each.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Blues - The preliminary Hansard transcript. It will be available online within four and one-half hours of the adjournment of the Assembly on each sitting day.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Yesterday's Hansard - The transcript of the second most recent day of sitting of the Legislative Assembly.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Hansard - The daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. It will generally be available online within two sitting days.spacer.gif (808
    bytes) Standing - The rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.spacer.gif (808
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The Standing Orders are the rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.

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Types of Bills

51(1)  Bills shall be known and distinguished as Government Bills, Private Members' Bills and Private Bills.

(2)      Government Bills are bills introduced by Ministers relating to matters of administration or public policy of general application within Yukon.

(3)      Private Members' Bills are bills introduced by members other than Ministers, relating to matters of administration or public policy of general application within Yukon, and which do not involve the expenditure of public funds or the imposition of any tax.

(4)      Private Bills are those relating to private or local matters or for the particular interest or benefit of any person, corporation or municipality.

Stages of Bills: First Reading

52(1)  Every bill shall be introduced upon a motion for First Reading specifying the title of the bill.

(2)      A motion for First Reading of a bill shall be decided without introductory statement, debate or amendment.

Incomplete Bill Not Acceptable

53 No bill may be introduced either in blank or incomplete form.

Bills Printed and Distributed

54(1)  All bills shall be printed before Second Reading.

(2)       No bill shall receive Second Reading until it has been printed and distributed for one clear sitting day.

Readings of Bills

55(1)  Each bill shall receive three separate readings, on different sitting days, before being passed.

(2)      On extraordinary occasions, a bill may, with unanimous consent of the Assembly, be advanced two or more stages in one sitting day.

(3)      Notwithstanding Standing Order 55(1), an Appropriation Bill bringing forward the main Capital or Operation and Maintenance budget may receive Second Reading on the same sitting day on which it has received First Reading.

Certification of Reading and Passage

56(1)  The Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall certify upon every bill the date of the readings.

(2)       When a bill is passed the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall certify the same, with the date, at the foot of the bill.

Stages of Bills: Second Reading

57(1)  Every bill shall be read twice in the Assembly before committal or amendment.

(2)      The debate on a motion for Second Reading shall be limited to the object, expediency, principles and merits of the bill, or to alternative methods of obtaining its purpose.

(3)      Notwithstanding Standing Order 57(1), a bill may be committed to a Select Committee after First Reading.

(4)      Unless otherwise ordered by the Assembly, when a Government Bill or a Private Member's Bill is read the second time, it stands ordered for consideration by Committee of the Whole.

Stages of Bills: Committee

58(1)  During formal proceedings upon bills in any Committee of the Assembly, the preamble and title are first postponed, and if the first clause contains only a short title, it is also postponed; then every other clause is considered by the Committee in its proper order, the first clause (if it contains only the short title), the preamble and the title to be last considered.

(2)      When the Assembly is sitting in Committee of the Whole to consider bills, the Minister sponsoring a bill may have a limited number of departmental officials seated nearby to supply information to the Minister as required.

(2.1)   When the Assembly is sitting in Committee of the Whole, a member who has been designated as a Cabinet commissioner may speak to matters and answer questions respecting his or her Commission.

(3)      Amendments made to a bill in Committee shall be reported by the Chair to the Assembly.

Stages of Bills: Third Reading

59(1)  A bill reported without amendment by the Chair of Committee of the Whole may immediately receive Third Reading.

(2)      A bill reported with amendment by the Chair of Committee of the Whole shall not receive Third Reading before the next sitting day.

(3)      When the order for Third Reading of a bill is called, a motion may be moved to discharge the order and recommit the bill.

(4)      When a bill has been read the third time and passed, a motion may be moved to rescind the Third Reading and passage and recommit the bill.

Reprinting of Amended Bill

60(1)  When a bill has been amended in Committee of the Whole, it shall be reprinted as amended if so ordered by the Committee.

(2)      When the bill has been sent to be reprinted, it shall be shown on the Order Paper as "BEING REPRINTED," and shall not be further proceeded with until that notation has been removed.

Money Message

61(1)  It is not lawful for the Assembly to adopt or pass any vote, resolution, address or bill for the appropriation of any part of the public revenue of Yukon, or of any tax or impost, to any purpose that has not been first recommended to the Assembly by message of the Commissioner in the Session in which such vote, resolution, address or bill is proposed.

(2)      Standing Order 61(1) relates only to appropriations and does not refer to the imposition of taxes. The only condition imposed on a taxation measure is that it be introduced by a Minister.

Reports of Select Committees

62(1)  The report of a Select Committee on a bill that has received First Reading only shall be accepted by the Assembly but shall not be further proceeded with until such time as the bill has received Second Reading.

(2)      Following the Second Reading of a bill previously reported from a Select Committee, notice of a motion for concurrence in the report of the Select Committee shall be accepted.

(3)      In cases under Standing Order 62(2), the Select Committee proceedings shall be deemed to have occurred after Second Reading.

Motion for Concurrence

63(1)  A motion for concurrence in the report of a Select Committee shall receive at least two clear days' notice.

(2)      A motion to amend, delete, insert or restore any clause in a bill shall be allowed during debate on a concurrence motion if written notice of such motion has been given to the Clerk at the Table prior to 5:00 p.m. on the sitting day before the concurrence motion is called.

(3)      The Clerk shall deliver a copy of the notices of motions received under Standing Order 63(2) to all members.

Debate on Motion for Concurrence

64(1)  When the concurrence motion is called, the Speaker shall first allow a general debate following the normal rules of the Assembly. If notice of amendments to the bill has been given, however, the Speaker shall postpone putting the main question until the Assembly has disposed of such amendments.

(2)      Following the general debate on the concurrence motion, any amendment to the bill of which notice has been given shall be open to debate and amendment.

(3)      When debate is permitted, no member shall speak more than once or for longer than twenty minutes on any amendment.

(4)      The order in which amendments are to be selected may be determined by the House Leaders but, in the absence of direction from the House Leaders, the Speaker shall have the power to select the amendments to be proposed.

(5)      When a recorded division has been called on any amendment proposed, the Speaker may defer the division until any or all subsequent amendments have been considered. A recorded division or divisions may be deferred from sitting day to sitting day.

(6)      An amendment, in relation to form only in a Government Bill, may be proposed by a Minister without notice, but debate may not be extended to the provisions of the clause or clauses to be amended.

(7)      When all proceedings on amendments have been completed, the Speaker shall put the question on the concurrence motion immediately.

(8)      Where necessary, the Speaker is empowered to add the phrase "as amended" to the concurrence motion.

(9)      When a bill has been amended during the proceedings of a Select Committee, it shall not receive Third Reading on the same sitting day as the concurrence motion is dealt with by the Assembly.

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