Yukon Legislative Assembly Home

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Members - Biographical sketches of the Members of the Legislative Assemblyspacer.gif (808

    bytes) Order Paper - The Assembly's daily agenda. It should be available online no later than 9:00 a.m. each sitting day.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Progress of Billsspacer.gif (808 bytes) Bills - A list of all Bills before the House and gives the status of each.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Blues - The preliminary Hansard transcript. It will be available online within four and one-half hours of the adjournment of the Assembly on each sitting day.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Yesterday's Hansard - The transcript of the second most recent day of sitting of the Legislative Assembly.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Hansard - The daily transcript of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. It will generally be available online within two sitting days.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Standing - The rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.spacer.gif (808

    bytes) Contact Usspacer.gif (808 bytes) Site Map

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The Standing Orders are the rules by which the Legislative Assembly operates.

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Notice Required for Consideration of Motions

27(1)  One clear day's notice shall be given of a motion for any of the following purposes:

(a) for a resolution or address;
(b) for the appointment of any Committee;
(c) for concurrence in the report of a Standing or Special Committee;
(d) for the Production of Papers;
(e) for making, amending or repealing any Standing Order or rule;
(f) for referring a bill to a Select Committee after First Reading; or
(g) for any purpose not covered in Standing Order 27(3).

(2)      Two clear days' notice shall be given of a motion for concurrence in the report of a Select Committee.

(3)      No notice shall be required for any of the following motions:

(a) for any reading of a bill;

(b) for the amendment of a bill, motion or resolution excepting proposed amendments to a bill at the Select Committee report stage;
(c) for referring a matter to any Committee;
(d) for the postponement of a question to a certain day;
(e) for the previous question;
(f) for reading the Orders of the Day;
(g) for the adjournment of the Assembly or of a debate;
(h) for dealing with a question of privilege;
(i) for fixing a time of meeting or adjournment of the Assembly; or
(j) for other matters of a merely formal or uncontentious nature.

(4)      A written notice under this Standing Order shall be sent to the Table before 5:00 p.m. and shall be printed in the Notice Paper the next sitting day.

Motion of Urgent and Pressing Necessity

28(1)  A motion may, in case of urgent and pressing necessity previously explained by the mover, be made by unanimous consent of the Assembly without notice having been given.

(2)      Unanimous consent for a motion under this Standing Order shall be requested during the Daily Routine in the period following the Ministerial Statement and prior to the beginning of Oral Question Period.

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