Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Secretariat / Secrétariat d'Infrastructures Canada-Manitoba
MRIF - Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, 2005-2010
In this Section:

MRIF Program Information

Between 2005 and 2010, the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) is injecting $120 million into municipal infrastructure for Manitoba's urban, rural and northern communities. MRIF supports infrastructure defined as publicly or privately owned fixed capital assets in Canada for public use or benefit.

Eighty percent of MRIF will be allocated to rural and northern infrastructure projects to address the needs of communities with a population under 250,000.

MRIF operates on a reimbursement basis where project proponents incur and pay 100 per cent of the project costs, and are reimbursed by the federal and provincial governments for up to two-thirds of the maximum approved amount.

MRIF's Objectives

MRIF's objectives include investing in projects that improve the quality of life for all Manitobans.
  • Enhance the quality of Canada's environment
  • Support long-term economic growth
  • Improve community infrastructure
  • Build 21st century infrastructure through best technologies, new approaches and best practices.
MRIF's primary focus - Green municipal infrastructure.
"Green" projects include those which protect and/or enhance the quality of our environment, such as water and wastewater systems, water management, solid waste management and recycling, and capital expenditures to construct or improve the energy efficiency of buildings and facilities owned by local governments.

MRIF's secondary focus - Other local infrastructure.
Including local transportation infrastructure, cultural and recreational infrastructure, infrastructure supporting tourism, and rural and remote connectivity.

MRIF's History

On December 4, 2004 the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba announced $120 million for the new Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) to be allocated in 2005-2010. Federal and provincial governments are each investing $40 million with matching project funding from local government bodies or community partners primarily for projects in rural and northern communities across Manitoba.

With MRIF, Canada and Manitoba continue to build on the success of the former Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Program - in particular, utilizing an integrated, joint Secretariat and application process, as well as a material role for local government associations in the project selection and funding process.

MRIF builds on the 10-year history of collaboration between the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba. This ongoing and successful partnership reflects a commitment from both levels of government to continue making sound investments in Manitoba's infrastructure. MRIF also reflects recognition by Canada and Manitoba of the need to provide long-term funding for modern community public infrastructure in Manitoba.

Canada Manitoba
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