Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Secretariat / Secrétariat d'Infrastructures Canada-Manitoba
What's New

Applications for the Canada-Manitoba Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund are accepted on an ongoing basis until all funds are allocated.

Applicants are also encouraged to update their existing applications with new or revised information

Latest MRIF News Releases Latest Completed CMIP projects 1st Canada-Manitoba MRIF projects complete
  • Keystone Centre's Agricultural Centre of Excellence
    The Keystone Centre's Agricultural Centre of Excellence was the first project to be funded under the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund in Canada and the second completed in Manitoba. The Keystone project is receiving $15 million under MRIF for the newly constructed multi-purpose facility and upgrades to existing infrastructure. The Keystone Centre is Manitoba's largest year-round multi-functional facility for sporting, hospitality, agricultural and cultural events. It's an example of governments and communities successfully working together to renew infrastructure throughout Manitoba.
  • City of Winkler's Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion
    The City of Winkler's Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion project was part of Manitoba's first round of MRIF projects announced in late Spring 2005. Construction was completed in January 2006 with $1,521,000 of the project funding through MRIF. The facility's expansion is estimated to increase the hydraulic holding capacity of Winkler's lagoon by 47 per cent, addressing the city's wastewater needs for the next 20 years. The increased storage capacity will help meet the growth of wet industry within the area and will enable the development of 1,600 additional homes in Winkler.

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