Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Secretariat / Secrétariat d'Infrastructures Canada-Manitoba
CMIPs Partners

Federal-Provincial Governments

Through the Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Programs (CMIPs), the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba are working with community partners such as local governments and other community organizations in the private and non-profit sectors to improve and renew public infrastructure in all of Manitoba.
  • Government of Canada

    Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is helping the West to develop its full economic potential through a variety of programs and services, tailored to the region's own particular strengths, needs, and opportunities.

    In Manitoba, WD delivers CMIPs on behalf of the Government of Canada and Infrastructure Canada. The Infrastructure Canada Program is a national program designed to help renew and build infrastructure in rural and urban municipalities across Canada. By administering this program in Manitoba and the other western provinces, WD is helping to ensure that western Canadian communities have the municipal physical infrastructure to meet their development needs.

  • Province of Manitoba

    The Province of Manitoba's responsibility for the Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Programs resides with the Department of Infrastructure and Transportation. Through the establishment of a legislative, policy, financial, advisory and planning framework, IAT supports the building of healthy sustainable communities, and encourages democratic, accountable, effective and financially efficient local government in Manitoba.
Rural/Northern Federal-Provincial-Local Consultative Committee

A Rural/Northern Federal-Provincial-Local Consultative Committee (FPLCC) on infrastructure was established to assist in the review of project funding. Officials from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM), the Northern Association of Community Councils (NACC) and an official from Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs are part of the six-member committee who review projects located outside Winnipeg.

Photo  Click here for a photo of the 2007-08 Rural/Northern Federal-Provincial-Local Consultative Committee
Jeff Gordon, ANA, Reg Meade, NACC President, Ron Bell, AMM President, Shirley Kalyniuk, AMM Vice-President, Urban, and Doug Dobrowolski, AMM Vice-President, Rural
Jeff Gordon, ANA, Reg Meade, NACC President, Ron Bell, AMM President, Shirley Kalyniuk, AMM Vice-President, Urban, and Doug Dobrowolski, AMM Vice-President, Rural
  • Association of Manitoba Municipalities

    The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) works to support and enhance strong and effective municipal governments in Manitoba. AMM's presence as a CMIPs partner brings an increased municipal perspective and ensures a direct communication channel with municipal governments.

  • Northern Association of Community Councils

    The Northern Association of Community Councils (NACC) assists communities in Manitoba's North to assess their economic potential and encourages their cooperation with government in developmental processes. As a CMIPs partner, NACC is increasing the profile of the region's unique needs and objectives and makes recommendations to improve Manitoba's northern infrastructure.

  • Manitoba Aboriginal & Northern Affairs
Canada Manitoba
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