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The Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage offers a number of important funding programs. Select a Division below for a complete listing of available programs:


Tourism Programs:

Destination Opportunities Program


Destinations within Nova Scotia are encouraged to develop marketing or development programs which highlight particular strengths while at the same time supporting the overall strategic tourism efforts of the province. Proposals must be destination or product driven and include a minimum 50% private sector financial support.

For more information, visit

Marketing Partnership Opportunities


Industry can buy into numerous advertising offers and trade show opportunities in Nova Scotia’s key markets of Atlantic Canada, Ontario, Quebec, Northeastern US and Europe. There are also opportunities to participate in advertising initiatives directed at niche markets such as meetings and conventions, golf, group touring, outdoor and nature. These opportunities are listed in detail in the Partnership Opportunities Book, which is published each fall and sent to all operators. Last minute opportunities are featured in Facts Flash, an e-mail publication for industry subscribers.

Tour Operator Partnership Program


This program provides opportunities to partner in the marketing of packaged products in Nova Scotia’s key markets. The program is available to tour operators based on submitted proposals.

For more information, visit

Tourism Development Investment


There are two programs delivered under this investment program:

1 Tourism Product Development and Enhancement – the overall objective of this investment program is to support the development and enhancement of tourism attractions, sites and experiences that build on Nova Scotia’s heritage/culture, outdoor/nature and premiere seacoast products.

2 Tourism Market-Readiness – the overall objective of this investment program is to enhance the quality of tourism services, businesses and products by implementing market-readiness initiatives. Market-readiness is the creation and delivery of safe, memorable, value-added, quality experiences that meet and exceed the expectations of visitors. There is a need to ensure that tourism products and services are ready to meet and exceed the expectations of visitors by providing quality products and experiences.

For more information, visit

Culture Programs:

Click here for a complete list of Culture Division Program Application Deadlines

Requirements for Acknowledging Funding

Successful applicants to the Culture Division programs must acknowledge the financial assistance of the Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage. Click here for details. The following logos may be downloaded for use in communications recognizing funding assistance (right mouse click on the link and select *save target* from your menu):

Tourism, Culture & Heritage Logo (Full Colour): TIF
Tourism, Culture & Heritage Logo (Black & White): TIF

Aliant New Media Prize


Through the generous financial contribution of Aliant, the Department of Tourism and Culture is able to present the Aliant New Media Prize. Beginning in October 2001, for five years, an annual prize of $10,000 is being offered. This prize is designed to support initiatives by artists or arts organizations of all disciplines that explore and develop the potential of new media technologies. You can read more about the program details and get an application form in this PDF document.

Assistance to Book Publishers


The Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage recognizes that Nova Scotian publishers have unique needs and developmental goals which require sector-public investment. To assist in meeting these needs the department offers financial asssitance through this program to support the presence of a vialbe book publishing industry in Nova Scotia.

The PDF is available here..

Cultural Activities


The presence of cultural activities in our communities contributes significantly to our well-being and enriches the experiences of visitors to our province. The purpose of the Cultural Activities Program is to help build communities through community arts and cultural activities. Communities can include geographic locales, as well as communities of interest such as those involved in visual arts, music or crafts. Download a PDF program description and application form here.

Emerging Music Business Program


The Emerging Music Business Program is designed to help people get into the industry with a focus on establishing up-and-coming musicians, building artist-manager relationships and enhancing music business skills. Examples of activities which might be funded through this program include assisting an artist to develop marketing and business plans, secure professional manager services, create a professional demo recording or to design a website.

Deadlines for submitting applications are October 15 and March 15. Click here for more information:


Support Material

Application Form

Export Development Program for Music
Music Nova Scotia, on behalf of Tourism, Culture and Heritage, administers the Export Development Program for Music. This program focuses on marketing and touring support for artists and business professionals. Examples of projects which might be funded through this program would be to assist musicians in undertaking, marketing and promoting national or international tours.

For more information on the Export Development Program for Music, visit the Music Nova Scotia website at, or call 423.6271 or 1-888-343-6426 (toll-free).

Gaelic Activities Program


The Gaelic Activities Program is designed to help Nova Scotians learn from, work with and share resources with other Gaelic communities. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed between the Province of Nova Scotia and Highland Council, Scotland, is a mechanism to facilitate sharing of resources, ideas, skills and experience for the benefit of both areas. Community-based educational and cultural projects that support the goals of the MOU will be considered under the Gaelic Activities Program.

Download Program Information (PDF)
Download the Application Form (PDF)

Grants to Individuals


The Grants to Individuals Program supports the creation of new works by professional artists in all disciplines and promotes a broad understanding and appreciation of art and artists through professional development, creation and presentation of work by artists. Individual artists may submit one application per program per deadline except in creation. Artists are not eligible to receive more than one Creation Grant in any one year. You can download the following documents here:

PDF of the program description, policy and guidelines
PDF application form along with eight steps to help prepare a strong application

Grants to Organizations and Small Groups


There are four project programs for grants to organizations and small groups. Applicants may make one application to each program at each deadline. The PDF application is available here.

Industries Program


Government wants to help cultural industries grow and will develop a partnership with the sector to examine support mechanisms and strategies in place already and to determine a plan for the future. A lot of important work has been done already, including the Culture Sector Strategy for example, as well as some of the individual efforts underway by various sub-sectors. You can download the following documents here:
PDF of program information including eligibility criteria and application procedures

PDF of program application form A for use by Organizations

PDF of program application form B for use by Consortiums and Consortium Partners Agreement form

Nova Scotia Art Bank


The Nova Scotia Art Bank encourages the development of artistic excellence and stimulates awareness of and interest in visual arts and craft among Nova Scotians and their visitors. This is accomplished through the acquisition, loan, maintenance and display of works of art by professional Nova Scotian artists. For details and application form, view the following PDFs.

Operating Assistance to Cultural Organizations


This program is designed to enhance stability within cultural organizations that develop and sustain Nova Scotia's cultural community. Support is provided to organizations which form a framework for province's cultural sector, including those which produce cultural product, own and or manage cultural facilities, provide service to the cultural sector and produce a cultural festival or event. These organizations are fundamental to the vitality and long-term health of cultural life in Nova Scotia either as primary cultural producers, enablers or developers of cultural activity.

Download Program Information (PDF)

Portia White Prize


This prize is named for Portia White, a Nova Scotia artist who rose through adversity to achieve international acclaim as a classical singer on the great stages of Europe and North America. Her achievements continue to instill a sense of pride in the African Nova Scotian communities and stand as a model to all Nova Scotians. You can download the PDF nomination form here or read more about the prize details in this document.

Prix Grand-Pré


Ce prix annuel a été établi en 1987 pour rendre hommage au travail des artistes acadiens néo-écossais dans les domaines des arts du spectacle et du cinéma, des arts visuels et de l’artisanat, ainsi que des arts littéraires. L’objectif du prix est de reconnaître les artistes dont l’œuvre reflète les valeurs et les traditions culturelles acadiennes, et se distingue par son excellence et son originalité.

Cette année, un artiste établi en arts littéraires, sélectionné par un comité d’évaluation, recevra un prix de $2,000.

Les lauréats précédents du Prix Grand-Pré incluent le chanteur-compositeur, Eric Surette; le photographe, François Gaudet; l’artisane, Denise Robicheau; l’écrivain, Père Amselme Chiasson; le cinéaste, Phil Comeau; les artistes en arts visuels, Denise Comeau; et Simone D'Eon, l’écrivain René LeBlanc et l’artiste William Roach.

Des formulaires de demande sont disponibles en français et en anglais dans les documents suivants (format PDF) :

Formulaire de nomination pour Prix Grand-Pré

Grand-Pré Prize:

This biennial award was established in 1987 to recognize the work of Acadian Nova Scotians in the performing arts and film, the visual arts and crafts, and literary arts. The purpose of the prize is to recognize those artists whose work reflects Acadian cultural values and traditions, while demonstrating excellence and originality.

This year an established literary artist, as selected by an assessment panel, will be awarded a prize of $2000.

Previous Grand-Pré Prize winners include: singer/songwriter, Eric Surette; photographer, Francois Gaudet; artisan, Denise Robicheau; writer, Father Amselm Chiasson; filmmaker, Phil Comeau; visual artists, Denise Comeau and Simone D'Eon; writer, René LeBlanc; and folk artist William Roach.

Applications forms are available in both French and English in the following PDF documents:

Grand Pré Prize Nomination Form

The Nova Scotia Talent Trust


Awards scholarships to Nova Scotian residents undertaking programs of study to further their artistic development who are not yet established in their disciplines. Click here to visit the Trust's web site.

Youth Program


Lifelong learning in the arts is essential if Nova Scotia is to have a healthy, vibrant and sustaining culture sector. This learning starts at an early age with participation and education in the arts. This program is designed to sustain the presence of established provincial youth arts organizations and programs that provide those opportunities. For details and application form, view the following PDF.

Heritage Programs:

Community Museum Assistance Program (CMAP)


CMAP funds non-profit, permanent museums whose primary functions are to acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit material evidence of Nova Scotia’s human or natural history for the purpose of study, education and enjoyment. Archival or fine arts activities integrated within a qualified museum are eligible for funding, however, stand-alone archives or art galleries are not. CMAP also provides operating financial assistance to the Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage.

Heritage Property Program


The Department administers the Heritage Property Act which identifies, preserves and encourages the continued use of Nova Scotia’s built heritage. The division works with municipalities and property owners to find effective, economically viable and appropriate uses for our heritage buildings, recognizing their importance to our history, our way of life and our economy. Some financial assistance is available to owners of registered heritage properties, municipalities and heritage groups for conservation work, conservation plans, and support of special projects.

Research Grants


Nova Scotia Museum Research Grants, a program of the Board of Governors, are intended to promote research in areas relevant to the Nova Scotia Museum’s mandate and programs. They are awarded yearly in a range of categories which fall within Natural or Cultural History. Only individual researchers are eligible to apply to the program.

Strategic Development Initiative


This initiative provides support for heritage-related projects that build on a community’s assets and strengths and encourages partnerships with archives, museums, community organizations, heritage associations, municipal governments, regional development authorities, and other bodies that are exploring common heritage objectives. Priority is given to initiatives focused on partnerships and increased self-sufficiency in the province’s growing heritage sector.

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