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Structure & Legislation
Department of Tourism and Culture

The Department of Tourism and Culture's goal is to aggressively and effectively develop and promote tourism, culture and heritage.

The Department comprises several divisions, including Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Records & Archives Management, and Corporate Affairs. The Division of Corporate Affairs is mandated with responsibility for policy, communications, corporate services unit functions, administration, legal and audit. It also acts as the lead policy function to coordinate department-wide policy issues.

The Department also works closely with the following Boards, Agencies and Commissions:

Advisory Council on Heritage Property
Gaelic College Foundation
Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors
Peggy's Cove Commission
Public Archives of Nova Scotia Board of Trustees
Sherbrooke Restoration Commission

A number of pieces of legislation pertain directly to the work of Tourism, Culture & Heritage, including the following. All of this legislation can be reviewed in detail at the online Office of the Legislative Counsel :

Arts Council Act
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Act
Cemeteries Protection Act
Cultural Foundation Act
Government Records Act
Heritage Property Act
Multiculturalism Act
Nova Scotia Museum Act
Nova Scotia Tartan Act
Liquor Control Act
Peggy's Cove Commission Act
Public Archives Act
Schooner Bluenose Foundation Act
Sherbrooke Restoration Commission Act
Special Places Protection Act
Tourist Accommodations Act

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