Environment and Labour

The Province of Nova Scotia is committed to safe and healthy spaces - both indoors and out. Nova Scotia Environment and Labour works to protect our environment as well as our citizens in their work, home and play environments. This site contains information on everything from clean air and water programs, to regulations for workplace safety and equality.

Feature Items

  • Better Regulation

    The Better Regulation Initiative is a province-wide initiative to improve laws and regulations in Nova Scotia. Read how Environment and Labour is leading the way.

  • Pensions

    Eventually, we all turn our attention to planning for retirement. Visit our new Pensions web site for information on workplace pensions and personal retirement savings.

  • Other Feature Items

In the News

  • Nov 17, 2006 - Minister Dismisses Pioneer Coal Appeals ... More
  • Nov 09, 2006 - Remembrance Day holiday information ... More
  • Nov 03, 2006 - Point Aconi Mine Appeal Delayed ... More
  • Oct 27, 2006 - EAB Holds Hearings on Petrochemical Project ... More
  • Oct 26, 2006 - Tobeatic Management Plan Released ... More
  • Oct 26, 2006 - Plant Improvements Benefit All Nova Scotians ... More
  • Oct 24, 2006 - Nova Scotia Environmental Home Assessment Program ... More
  • Oct 24, 2006 - Septage Treatment Facility Assistance Program ... More
  • Oct 23, 2006 - Emergency Responders Traffic Management Guidelines ... More
  • All News

Nova Scotia:  Come to life!

Last Updated: 2006-Nov-17
© 2006 Province of Nova Scotia. All rights reserved. Privacy | Comments: webster@gov.ns.ca
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