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Who we are

Our mandate

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Our history






Board of Directors

Board committees

Corporate Officers


Corporate performance

Corporate plan

Annual report

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Industry partners


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  CCC is committed to sound governance and responsible, accountable management. The Corporation's Board of Directors sets strategic direction and ensures that the organization fulfils its mandate in the best, most effective manner possible. Mr. Alan R. Curleigh was appointed as CCC's first independent Chair in November 2002 after Bill C-41, An Act to amend the Canadian Commercial Corporation Act, separated the position of President and Chairman. more

Board of Directors

  Mr. Curleigh is joined on the Board by seven individuals from the private sector, two from the public service, and the President of CCC. more

Board committees

  CCC has a number of Board committees including the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Compensation committee. more

Corporate Officers

  To manage the day-to-day activities of the Corporation, the Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the president, appoints corporate officers to supervise various areas of CCC.


  As a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Canada, CCC has been called upon to uphold and promote the country's position on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), encouraging and facilitating private dialogue on CSR issues.

Report on Travel and Hospitality Expenses
Social Responsibility
Governance and Accountability
Environmental Review Framework

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