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Who we are

Our mandate

What we do

Our history






Board of Directors

Board committees

Corporate Officers


Corporate performance

Corporate plan

Annual report

Our partners

Federal partners

Provincial partners

Industry partners


In the news

Latest events

Career opportunities

Careers at CCC

Current openings


Federal partners

Working closely with our valued federal partners in service delivery has allowed us to reach out effectively to Canadian exporters, providing them with greater access to the services they need—services we're mandated to deliver. Capitalizing on partnership in this way ensures that we make the best use of the Government of Canada's investment in CCC. more

Provincial partners

To facilitate access to CCC for its clients located in the various regions of Canada and enhance its business development capacity, the Corporation has entered into partnership with various government departments and agencies responsible for promoting export in their province. more

Industry partners

CCC works with a number of industry associations to reach out to exporters in key sectors, developing joint marketing and communications activities that target CCC’s existing and potential clientele. The Corporation works closely with its industry partners to share intelligence on the needs of their members and on potential market opportunities of mutual interest. more


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