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Who we are

Our mandate

What we do

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Our mandate

Since 1946, CCC has helped thousands of companies across Canada capture more than $30 billion in export sales. We're a trusted partner, opening doors to international markets and—in our principal role as prime contractor—sitting down at the table to sign contracts with foreign buyers on behalf of Canadian firms.

As a Crown corporation reporting to Parliament, CCC has a clear mandate: to facilitate international trade. We pursue that mandate energetically, innovatively and collaboratively—working closely with many other federal institutions and levels of government as well as private-sector stakeholders to support and advance Canada 's export businesses.

Wholly owned by the Government of Canada, CCC is ultimately accountable to Parliament through the Minister for International Trade. In addition to being subject to its enacting legislation—the Canadian Commercial Corporation Act—CCC must comply with the provisions of the Financial Administration Act applicable to Crown Corporations, the Official Languages Act, the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.


The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is governed by its enacting legislation, the 1946 Canadian Commercial Corporation Act. The Act outlines CCC's broad mandate to assist the development of trade between Canada and other nations and to assist persons in Canada to dispose of goods and commodities that are available for export from Canada. The legislation also provides CCC with a broad range of powers including, specifically, exporting goods and commodities from Canada either as principal or as agent in such a manner and to such extent as it deems advisable. As Canada 's export contracting agency, CCC acts primarily as an international prime contractor, facilitating export transactions on behalf of Canadian exporters.

CCC's added value to Canadian exporters is based on 'three Cs': credibility, confidence, contracts. CCC builds confidence in Canadian exports by giving them the credibility of a Government guarantee of contract performance that opens doors and leads to contracts with improved terms. As a result, since its inception, CCC has helped thousands of companies across Canada close export deals worth more than $30 billion, and has facilitated sales to foreign governments and private-sector buyers in more than 100 countries.


To capture the Corporation's value proposition to Canadian exporters and their customers abroad, CCC developed the following mission statement:

"To serve as an effective Canadian trade instrument, bringing buyers and sellers together and closing successful export contracts on the best possible terms and conditions."

CCC Values

We are a client-focused organization. We are adaptable and creative in finding solutions for our clients.

We approach our work with the highest levels of professionalism, and demand the same from our partners. We are committed to continuously developing the skills our clients value.

Our integrity is not negotiable and we expect the same from our colleagues and business associates. Trust, fairness and honesty are intrinsic to all our interactions.

Our strength is our people. We build lasting relationships through respect for others and ourselves.

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