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Future exporters

Thinking of exporting?

Are you ready to export?

A step-by-step guide to exporting

Small & medium exporters

Strengthen your credibility

Access expertise

Improve your cash flow

Large enterprises

Redefine the competitive landscape

Make it easy for your customer

Save time and money

International buyers

Simplified access

Save time and money

Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

Related information

About CCC – Arabic

About CCC – Chinese

About CCC – German

About CCC – Italian

About CCC – Japanese

About CCC – Korean

About CCC – Portuguese

About CCC – Russian

About CCC – Spanish

About CCC – Thai

About CCC – Vietnamese


Simplified access

You want to buy. Canadian companies want to sell. CCC wants to help you purchase the best that Canada can offer. In many countries, government and its agencies are together the biggest purchasers of goods and services. The procurement decisions they make are important to improving their country’s economy and the well-being of their citizens.

Complex projects and new technologies

Complex projects, new technologies, and the ability to take advantage of specialized knowledge and sophisticated management can all be reasons for considering the use of a foreign source of supply to satisfy your procurement needs.

There can be other benefits as well. For example, you can obtain goods and services that may not be available in your domestic market, or you may be able to receive a better price from a foreign supplier. Buying what you need at the best price makes good business sense.

In addition to the direct benefits, working with outside suppliers can often lead to new competencies and business for local firms, and the establishment of international partnerships that result in mutually beneficial projects and opportunities in the future.

Finding what you need

Acquiring foreign sources of supply is not without challenges. Where do you find the products and services you need? How do you know if the companies you are dealing with are reliable? Can you be sure you get what you pay for when you need it? Can the costly and time-consuming process of foreign procurement be improved or simplified?

CCC is a unique Crown corporation wholly-owned by the Canadian government with the ability to facilitate the development of international trade, particularly in government markets. It can provide simplified access to Canadian technologies with a unique Government of Canada guarantee of contract performance.

CCC—Bringing buyers and sellers together

CCC has proven its ability to unite buyers and sellers and assemble complex project elements to make deals happen. Since 1946, we have facilitated export transactions worth more than CDN$30 billion to foreign governments and private-sector buyers in more than 100 countries . Canadian companies and foreign buyers know they can count on us because we understand international markets—and because we have peerless expertise in the contracting business. We use our knowledge and experience to facilitate contracts that benefit both the buyer and seller.

CCC makes it easy for you to purchase high-quality, Canadian-made products and services. Canadian industries are renowned for producing world-class quality and value in a wide range of key sectors including aerospace; defence and security equipment; oil and gas machinery; information and communication technologies; environmental technologies; automotive and transportation; and housing.

CCC has helped governments around the world acquire a huge variety of products and services, including transportation equipment, ranging from cars, buses and ambulances through boat, submersibles and helicopters. We have also sold construction equipment, housing and water purification and waste management systems. To buy products and services from Canada, CCC can help facilitate purchases by acting as the Prime Contractor or as Procurement Agent.

Making the purchase easier

Most of CCC’s work is done as Prime Contractor to our government customers around the world. CCC signs the foreign contract with the buyer assuming, vis-à-vis the buyer, all the vendor’s risks and obligations. We have a separate domestic contract with the Canadian supplier(s) to transfer those responsibilities to our supplier(s). Our participation in your transaction in this “back to back” manner means that you have the Government of Canada’s assurance that the terms and conditions of the contract will be fulfilled. CCC’s ability to sign government-to-government contracts can also enable sole source or direct contracts to be signed.

CCC will identify Canadian suppliers and through its own due diligence process will assess their technical, managerial and financial capabilities. CCC participates in the negotiating process with the Canadian supplier and monitors contract performance to ensure all terms of the contract are met. At all times, the customer is always in direct contact with the Canadian supplier(s).

You benefit from a simplified process of administering contracts; reduced contract management burden; minimized commercial risk when purchasing products and services; and reduced delays associated with international tendering through appropriate government-to-government arrangements. In complex procurement situations where performance is an issue, CCC’s performance guarantee is often equal to or better than those that can be established by bank guarantees or performance bonds.

Working on your behalf

As an alternative, CCC in the role of Procurement Agent can help you access high-quality Canadian products and services by coordinating the contracting process and managing the purchasing cycle. CCC's involvement is ideal for foreign buyers who want to take advantage of CCC's knowledge of the procurement environment.

CCC will receive and assess your requirements and source Canadian products and services best suited to meet these requirements. We will provide bidding/proposal solicitation assistance and evaluate and assess bids/proposals received based on your requirements, including supplier capability, and fairness of price. CCC will also negotiate and execute proposed contracts on your behalf as well as administer them.

With CCC, you have a single point of contact for multi-item purchases and, if you request, we assess potential Canadian suppliers to ensure their ability to conform to bid specifications, contract terms and supplier warranties. This minimizes concern with details, such as shipping, inspection and acceptance, and by providing centralized accounting, CCC assumes responsibility for paying suppliers' invoices and performing invoice verification and contract audits.

Credibility. Confidence. Contracts.

CCC involvement means “Credibility, Confidence, Contracts”. It brings the credibility of the Government of Canada to the deal. It provides you with an assurance of reasonable terms and fair pricing. CCC’s involvement inspires confidence in foreign buyers and increases the credibility of Canadian exporters, which is critical in today’s highly competitive export market. We will put you and Canadian suppliers together through solid contracts based on mutually beneficial terms.

Do you want a Government of Canada guarantee that the contract will be completed according to its terms and conditions? Are you looking for a single point of contact for multiple-item purchases, or those involving more than one Canadian supplier? Do you want a cost-effective and efficient instrument for government-to-government sales? Do you need to take advantage of CCC’s knowledge of the procurement environment, our expertise in managing and administering contracts, and our ability to identify qualified Canadian suppliers? CCC has the answers.

For more information about CCC’s services or request a follow-up, call 1-613-996-0034.

CCC can help with these business solutions:

International prime contractor solution
DoD prime contractor solution

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