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Future exporters

Thinking of exporting?

Are you ready to export?

A step-by-step guide to exporting

Small & medium exporters

Strengthen your credibility

Access expertise

Improve your cash flow

Large enterprises

Redefine the competitive landscape

Make it easy for your customer

Save time and money

International buyers

Simplified access

Save time and money

Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

Related information

CCC Guarantee

Bell Helicopter Success

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Redefine the competitive landscape

Are you pursuing only the highest probability sales opportunities these days? Are you looking for every advantage to have your company stand out in the eyes of government customers? Are you keen to show your customers a simpler, faster and transparent option for procurement?

  • Government-to-government arrangements eliminate the need for long and costly competitive tendering, saving you time and money and creating higher-probability sales opportunities.

  • Shift the terms of competition from product feature versus product feature to private-company vendor versus you, backed by the Government of Canada.

  • Explore the options for a sole-source arrangement or direct award with your buyer.

CCC can help with these business solutions:

International prime contractor solution

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