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Future exporters

Thinking of exporting?

Are you ready to export?

A step-by-step guide to exporting

Small & medium exporters

Strengthen your credibility

Access expertise

Improve your cash flow

Large enterprises

Redefine the competitive landscape

Make it easy for your customer

Save time and money

International buyers

Simplified access

Save time and money

Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement


Redefine the competitive landscape

  CCC’s International Prime Contractor service helps strengthen your competitive position and improve your win probability
Working on your behalf—and backed by the weight of the Canadian government—your CCC representative can explore options for sole-source and direct-award contracting arrangements, and work with buyers to shift procurement deals to the government-to-government level. Government-to-government arrangements provide an easy, transparent mechanism for buyers to meet their requirements quickly and cost-effectively.

Make it easy for your customer

  We help you meet your buyers’ needs so you can close the sale— with customized advice from CCC’s Structured Finance team
CCC has tremendous experience in structured financing for international sales. We know what sources are out there—and in cooperation with Canadian and foreign financial institutions, and with Export Development Canada—we help you get access to the financing you need to satisfy your customers’ requirements.

Save time and money

  Reduce the cost of closing the sale with CCC’s International Prime Contractor Service
It’s no news that time is money. A direct-award arrangement can close your sales faster and at a lower overall cost to everyone involved. Take advantage of our Government guarantee of contract performance —it’s a unique alternative to performance bonds and advance guarantees that brings down your cost of bidding on a project. Pass those savings along to your customers and boost your chances of winning the contract.


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