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Canadian Commercial Corporation Get what you need... here
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Future exporters

Thinking of exporting?

Are you ready to export?

A step-by-step guide to exporting

Small & medium exporters

Strengthen your credibility

Access expertise

Improve your cash flow

Large enterprises

Redefine the competitive landscape

Make it easy for your customer

Save time and money

International buyers

Simplified access

Save time and money

Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

Related information

CCC Guarantee

Need to explain CCC to your customer?


Make it easy for your customer

So you have a customer interested in buying your product or service? You’re the favoured supplier for your customer’s requirement? Your customer is concerned about the need to run a competitive process, or needs a customized financing package to make the purchase happen?

  • Government-to-government arrangements streamline the time and cost of the procurement process for both you and your buyer and provide your customer with an entirely transparent method of getting access to the technology or service they really want and need.

  • Give your customer an easy and transparent mechanism for filling their requirement with government-to-government arrangement between their country and Canada through CCC—an arrangement that comes with a Government guarantee of contract performance.

  • Make your offer even more attractive--give your client a price break and pass on the saved costs for performance bonds and advance guarantees as a result of the Government guarantee of contract performance.

CCC can help with these business solutions:

International prime contractor solution

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