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Canadian Commercial Corporation Get what you need... here
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Market intelligence

Product demand research

Market research

Industry sector resources

Doing business with foreign governments

Business leads

SourceCAN opportunity matching

Opportunity advice

Next steps online

Sales support

Reference service

Joint sales presentation

Letter of support

Proposal preparation

Contracting advice

Contract negotiation

Contract management

International prime contractor solution

DoD prime contractor solution


Invest your time wisely


Make sure your top sales performers are talking to the right people—the ones with buying power
At CCC, we’ve cultivated an extensive network of political and bureaucratic contacts, individuals who can help determine the decision-makers and influencers to best support your sales effort. And we bring the full weight of the Government of Canada to the table with your customers to ensure your audience is an attentive one.


Government support for your sale


Gain a decisive advantage—put the Government of Canada behind your offer and open doors to new business
What would it mean if you could offer your prospective buyer a Government guarantee of contract performance? In fact, it could be the decisive factor. So bring us aboard; we’ll stand behind your performance with the full weight of the Government of Canada.



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