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Publications and Research


Working papers

By author

Please note: Working papers are published in the original language only, with an abstract in both official languages.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Caldwell, Greg

2005-40 Subordinated Debt and Market Discipline in Canada

2005-11 An Analysis of Closure Policy under Alternative Regulatory Structures

Calmès, Christian

2005-1 Self-Enforcing Labour Contracts and the Dynamics Puzzle

2004-27 Financial Market Imperfection, Overinvestment, and Speculative Precaution

2004-26 Regulatory Changes and Financial Structure: The Case of Canada

2003-40 Poignée de main invisible et persistance des cycles économiques : une revue de la littérature

Cardia, Emanuela

— see Bouakez, Hafedh, joint author

Cateau, Gino

2006-13 Guarding Against Large Policy Errors under Model Uncertainty

2005-6 Monetary Policy under Model and Data-Parameter Uncertainty

Cayen, Jean-Philippe, Amy Corbett, and Patrick Perrier

2006-41 An Optimized Monetary Policy Rule for ToTEM

Cayen, Jean-Philippe and Simon van Norder

2002-10 La fiabilité des estimations de l'écart de production au Canada

Chabi-Yo, Fousseni

2006-38 Conditioning Information and Variance Bounds on Pricing Kernels with Higher-Order Moments: Theory and Evidence

Chabi-Yo, Fousseni, René Garcia, and Eric Renault

2005-2 The Stochastic Discount Factor: Extending the Volatility Bound and a New Approach to Portfolio Selection with Higher-Order Moments

2005-9 State Dependence in Fundamentals and Preferences Explains Risk-Aversion Puzzle

Chacra, Marwan

2002-38 Oil-Price Shocks and Retail Energy Prices in Canada

Chacra, Marwan and Maral Kichian

2004-39 A Forecasting Model for Inventory Investments in Canada

Chamie, N., A. DeSerres and R. Lalonde

94-1 Optimum Currency Areas and Shock Asymmetry: A Comparison of Europe and the United States

Chan, Tracy, Ramdane Djoudad, and Jackson Loi

2006-6 Regime Shifts in the Indicator Properties of Narrow Money in Canada

Chande, Nikil

— see Lai, Alexandra, joint author

Chant, John

2004-33 Counterfeiting: A Canadian Perspective

Chatterjee, Partha and Malik Shukayev

2006-24 Are Average Growth Rate and Volatility Related?

2006-23 Convergence in a Stochastic Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model

Cheung, S.

96-6 Provincial Credit Ratings in Canada: An Ordered Probit Analysis

Christensen, Ian and Ali Dib

2006-9 Monetary Policy in an Estimated DSGE Model with a Financial Accelerator

Christensen, Ian, Frédéric Dion, and Christopher Reid

2004-43 Real Return Bonds, Inflation Expectations, and the Break-Even Inflation Rate

Claus, I.

97-20 A Measure of Underlying Inflation in the United States

97-19 Modelling the Behaviour of U.S. Inventories: A Cointegration-Euler Approach

Clinton, K.

2001-3 On Commodity-Sensitive Currencies and Inflation Targeting

97-8 Implementation of Monetary Policy in a Regime with Zero Reserve Requirements

Coletti, D.

— see Amano, R., joint author

Corbett, Amy

— see Cayen, Jean-Philippe, joint author

Cornell, Christopher M. and Raphael H. Solomon

2006-5 Are Currency Crises Low-State Equilibria? An Empirical, Three-Interest-Rate Model

Côté, A.

94-5 Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: A Survey

Côté, D.

— see Bérubé, G., joint author

Côté, D. and D. Hostland

96-7 An Econometric Examination of the Trend Unemployment Rate in Canada

Côté, D. and M. Johnson

98-16 Consumer Attitudes, Uncertainty, and Consumer Spending

Côté, Denise and Christopher Graham

2004-23 Convergence of Government Bond Yields in the Euro Zone: The Role of Policy Harmonization

Coulombe, Serge

98-22 A Non-Paradoxical Interpretation of the Gibson Paradox

Covas, Francisco

2005-26 Uninsured Idiosyncratic Production Risk with Borrowing Constraints

Cozier, B. and G. Tkacz

94-3 The Term Structure and Real Activity in Canada

Crawford, A. and M. Kasumovich

96-9 Does Inflation Uncertainty Vary with the Level of Inflation?

Crawford, Allan

2001-8 How Rigid Are Nominal-Wage Rates?

Crawford, Allan and Geoff Wright

2001-7 Downward Nominal-Wage Rigidity: Micro Evidence from Tobit Models

Cunningham, Rose

2004-49 Trade Credit and Credit Rationing in Canadian Firms

2004-38 Finance Constraints and Inventory Investment: Empirical Tests with Panel Data

2004-32 Investment, Private Information, and Social Learning: A Case Study of the Semiconductor Industry

Papers earlier than 1994, not listed here, are available from Publications Distribution, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9.