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Publications and Research


Working papers

By author

Please note: Working papers are published in the original language only, with an abstract in both official languages.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Laajimi, Sadok

— see Dionne, Georges, Sofiane, Mejri, and Madalina Petrescu, joint author

Laflèche, T.

97-9 Mesures du taux d'inflation tendanciel

Lafrance, R.

98-20 Evaluating Alternative Measures of the Real Effective Exchange Rate

Lafrance, Robert

— see Issa, Ramzi, joint author

— see Bailliu, Jeannine, joint author

Lafrance, R. and P. St-Amant

99-16 Optimal Currency Areas: A Review of the Recent Literature

Lai, Alexandra

2002-12 Modelling Financial Instability: A Survey of the Literature

— see D'Souza, Chris, joint author

Lai, Alexandra and Oana Secrieru

2006-30 Multinationals and Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Lai, Alexandra and Raphael Solomon

2006-7 Ownership Concentration and Competition in Banking Markets

Lai, Alexandra, Nikil Chande, and Sean O'Connor

2006-36 Credit in a Tiered Payments System

Laidler, D.

99-7 The Exchange Rate Regime and Canada's Monetary Order

99-5 The Quantity of Money and Monetary Policy

Lalonde, R.

2000-19 Le modèle USM d'analyse et de projection de l'économie américaine

99-14 The U.S. Capacity Utilization Rate: A New Estimation Approach

98-13 Le PIB potentiel des États-Unis et ses déterminants : la productivité de la main-d'oeuvre et le taux d'activité

— see Chamie, N., joint author

— see DeSerres, A., joint author

Lalonde, R., J. Page, and P. St-Amant

98-21 Une nouvelle méthode d'estimation de l'écart de production et son application aux États-Unis, au Canada et à l'Allemagne

Lalonde, René

2005-16 Endogenous Central Bank Credibility in a Small Forward-Looking Model of the U.S. Economy

— see Gosselin, Marc-André, joint author

Lalonde, René and Nicolas Parent

The Federal Reserve's Dual Mandate: A Time-Varying Monetary Policy Priority Index for the United States

Lalonde, René and Patrick Sabourin

Modélisation et prévision du taux de change réel effectif américain

Lalonde, René, Zhenhua Zhu, and Frédérick Demers

Forecasting and Analyzing World Commodity Prices

Lam, Jean-Paul

2003-39 Alternative Targeting Regimes, Transmission Lags, and the Exchange Rate Channel

Lam, Jean-Paul and Florian Pelgrin

2004-37 The Implications of Transmission and Information Lags for the Stabilization Bias and Optimal Delegation

Lam, Jean-Paul and Greg Tkacz

2004-9 Estimating Policy-Neutral Interest Rates for Canada Using a Dynamic Stochastic General-Equilibrium Framework

Lam, Jean-Paul and William Scarth

2002-37 Alternative Public Spending Rules and Output Volatility

Lange, R.

99-20 The Expectations Hypothesis for the Longer End of the Term Structure: Some Evidence for Canada

— see Day, J., joint author

Lavigne, Robert

2006-1 The Institutional and Political Determinants of Fiscal Adjustment

Lefebvre, M.

97-17 Les marchés du travail régionaux : une comparison entre le Canada et les États-Unis

94-10 Les provinces canadiennes et la convergence : une évaluation empirique

Lefebvre, M. and S. Poloz

96-12 The Commodity-Price Cycle and Regional Economic Performance in Canada

Léonard, A.

— see Fillion, J.-F., joint author

Leung, C. and G.-J. Zhang

99-2 Capital Gains and Inflation Taxes in a Life-cycle Model

Leung, Danny

2004-1 The Effect of Adjustment Costs and Organizational Change on Productivity in Canada: Evidence from Aggregate Data

— see Kamhi, Nadja, joint author

Leung, Danny and Terence Yuen

2005-14 Labour Market Adjustments to Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Evidence from Canadian Manufacturing Industries

2005-12 Do Exchange Rates Affect the Capital-Labour Ratio? Panel Evidence from Canadian Manufacturing Industries

Levac, Mylène

— see O'Reilly, joint author

Li, F.

— see Knight, J., joint author

Li, Fuchun

2005-35 Testing the Parametric Specification of the Diffusion Function in a Diffusion Process

— see Gauthier, Céline, joint author

Li, Fuchun and Greg Tkacz

2001-21 A Consistent Bootstrap Test for Conditional Density Functions with Time-Dependent Data

2001-12 Evaluating Linear and Non-Linear Time-Varying Forecast-Combination Methods

Li, W.

— see Yuan, M., joint author

Liu, Ying

— see Allen, Jason, joint author

2001-23 Modelling Mortgage Rate Changes with a Smooth Transition Error-Correction Model

— see Allen, Jason, joint author

— see Gauthier, Céline, joint author

— see Illing, Mark, joint author

Liu, Ying, Eli Papakirykos, and Mingwei Yuan

2004-34 Market Valuation and Risk Assessment of Canadian Banks

Lo, Ingrid

2005-45 An Evaluation of MLE in a Model of the Nonlinear Continuous-Time Short-Term Interest Rate

Lo, Ingrid and Stephen G. Sapp

2006-8 A Structural Error-Correction Model of Best Prices and Depths in the Foreign Exchange Limit Order Market

2005-42 Order Submission: The Choice between Limit and Market Orders

Loi, Jackson

— see Chan, Tracy, joint author

Longworth, D. and J. Atta-Mensah

95-10 The Canadian Experience with Weighted Monetary Aggregates

Luger, Richard

2004-2 Exact Tests of Equal Forecast Accuracy with an Application to the Term Structure of Interest Rates

2001-2 Exact Non-Parametric Tests for a Random Walk with Unknown Drift under Conditional Heteroscedasticity

— see Kichian, Maral, joint author

— see Garcia, René, joint author

Lumpkin, Stephen

— see Gaa, Charles, joint author

Papers earlier than 1994, not listed here, are available from Publications Distribution, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9.