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Publications and Research


Working papers

By author

Please note: Working papers are published in the original language only, with an abstract in both official languages.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Sabourin, Patrick

— see Lalonde, René, joint author

Santor, Eric

2006-32 Governance and the IMF: Does the Fund Follow Corporate Best Practice?

2003-1 Banking Crises and Contagion: Empirical Evidence

— see Felushko, Ryan, joint author

— see Aivazian, Varouj, joint author

— see Gomez, Rafael, joint author

— see Hejazi, Walid, joint author

Santos, Marjorie

— see Khan, Hashmat, joint author

Sapp, Stephen G.

— see Lo, Ingrid, joint author

Sargent, John

2005-43 The 1975–78 Anti-Inflation Program in Retrospect

Scarth, William

— see Lam, Jean-Paul, joint author

Schaller, H.

— see van Norden, S., joint author

Schaller, H. and S. van Norden

97-2 Fads or Bubbles?

Schembri, L.

— see Osakwe, P., joint author

Schich, Sebastian

— see Pelgrin, Florian, joint author

Schleicher, Christoph

2002-3 An Introduction to Wavelets for Economists

— see Barillas, Francisco, joint author

Schneider, Martin

— see Albuquerque, Rui, joint author

Secrieru, Oana

— see Lai, Alexandra, joint author

2004-8 The Economic Theory of Retail Pricing: A Survey

Secrieru, Oana and Marianne Vigneault

2004-10 Public Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship

Segal, Dan

— see King, Michael, joint author

Selody, J.

— see Engert, W., joint author

Selody, Jack

— see Ramdane, Djoudad,
joint author

— see Wilkins, Carolyn, joint author

Shi, S.

— see Osakwe, P., joint author

Shukayev, Malik

— see Chatterjee, Partha, joint author

Sigouin, C.

— see Racette, D., joint author

Solomon, Raphael

— see Lai, Alexandra, joint author

Solomon, Raphael H.

2005-23 Pocket Banks and Out-of-Pocket Losses: Links between Corruption and Contagion

2004-18 When Bad Things Happen to Good Banks: Contagious Bank Runs and Currency Crises

2003-41 Anatomy of a Twin Crisis

— see Baumann, Robert, joint author

— see Cornell, Christopher M., joint author

Srour, Gabriel

2003-16 Some Notes on Monetary Policy Rules with Uncertainty

2001-24 Price-Level versus Inflation Targeting in a Small Open Economy

2001-17 Why do Central Banks Smooth Interest Rates?

98-18 The Sale of Durable Goods by a Monopolist in a Stochastic Environment

— see Farès, Jean, joint author

St-Amant, P.

96-2 Decomposing U.S. Nominal Interest Rates into Expected Inflation and Ex Ante Real Interest Rates Using Structural VAR Methodology

— see Antia, Z., joint author

— see DeSerres, A., joint author

— see Dupasquier, C., joint author

— see Lafrance, R., joint author

— see Lalonde, R., joint author

St-Amant, P., and D. Tessier

98-23 Résultats empiriques multi-pays relatifs à l'impact des cibles d'inflation sur la crédibilité de la politique monétaire

98-4 A Discussion of the Reliability of Results Obtained with Long-Run Identifying Restrictions

98-3 Tendance des dépenses publiques et de l'inflation et évolution comparative du taux de chômage au Canada et aux États-Unis

St-Amant, Pierre, Greg Tkacz, Annie Guérard-Langlois, and Louis Morel

2005-37 Quantity, Quality, and Relevance: Central Bank Research, 1990–2003

St-Arnaud, Charles

2004-46 Une approche éclectique d'estimation du PIB potentiel pour le Royaume-Uni

— see Piretti, Anna, joint author

Stuber, G.

2001-16 Implications of Uncertainty about Long-Run Inflation and the Price Level

Sylvain, Arnaud

— see Heyer, Eric, joint author

Papers earlier than 1994, not listed here, are available from Publications Distribution, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9.