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Publications and Research


Working papers

By author

Please note: Working papers are published in the original language only, with an abstract in both official languages.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Macklem, T.,

— see Amano, R., joint author

Macklem, T., D. Rose and R. Tetlow

95-4 Government Debt and Deficits in Canada: A Macro Simulation Analysis

Maclean, D.

97-6 Lagging Productivity Growth in the Service Sector: Mismeasurement, Mismanagement or Misinformation?

Maclean, Dinah

— see Armour, Jamie, joint author

Martel, Sylvain

— see Binette, André, joint author

2005-5 Y a-t-il eu surinvestissement au Canada durant la seconde moitié des années 1990?

Martin, Monica and Cristiano Papile

The Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey: An Assessment

Mazumdar, Dipak

— see Aivazian, Varouj, joint author

McMahon, Sebastien

— see Bernard, Jean-Thomas, joint author

Mc Manus, D.

99-15 The Information Content of Interest Rate Futures Options

Mc Manus, D. and D. Watt

99-18 Estimating One-Factor Models of Short-Term Interest Rates

McLeish, Don L.

— see Reesor, R.M., joint author

McPhail, K.

— see Amano, R., joint author

McPhail, Kim

2003-2 Managing Operational Risk in Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Systems

McPhail, Kim and Anastasia Vakos

2003-36 Excess Collateral in the LVTS: How Much is Too Much?

McVanel, Darcey

2005-25 The Impact of Unanticipated Defaults in Canada's Large Value Transfer System

Meh, Césaire A. and Vincenzo Quadrini

2004-29 Uninsurable Investment Risks

Meh, Césaire Assah

2002-21 Entrepreneurial Risk, Credit Constraints, and the Corporate Income Tax: A Quantitative Exploration

2002-14 Entrepreneurship, Inequality, and Taxation

— see Dolar, Veronika, joint author

Meh, Césaire and Kevin Moran

2004-6 Bank Capital, Agency Costs, and Monetary Policy

Meijer, Erik

— see Gilbert, Paul D., joint author

Mejri, Sofiane

— see Dionne, Georges, Sadok, Laajimi, and Madalina Petrescu, joint author

Melnikov, Alexander and Yuliya Romanyuk

2006-43 Efficient Hedging and Pricing of Equity-Linked Life Insurance Contracts on Several Risky Assets

Messmacher, Miguel

— see Bailliu, Jeannine, joint author

— see Garcés, Daniel, joint author

— see Kruger, Mark, joint author

Metzler, Adam

— see Bolder, David J., joint author

Millar, J.

97-15 The Effects of Budget Rules on Fiscal Performance and Macroeconomic Stabilization

Misina, Miroslav

2006-16 Benchmark Index of Risk Appetite

2005-17 Risk Perceptions and Attitudes

2003-23 What Does the Risk-Appetite Index Measure?

2003-4 Are Distorted Beliefs Too Good to be True?

Mitnick, S.

— see Fung, B., joint author

Moessner, Richhild

2001-5 Reactions of Canadian Interest Rates to Macroeconomic Announcements: Implications for Monetary Policy Transparency

Moran, Kevin

— see Dib, Ali, joint author

— see Andolfatto, David, joint author

— see Hendry, Scott, joint author

— see Meh, Césaire, joint author

Moran, Kevin and Veronika Dolar

2002-18 Estimated DGE Models and Forecasting Accuracy: A Preliminary Investigation with Canadian Data

Morel, Louis

— see St-Amant, Pierre, joint author

Morley, James

— see Gravelle, Toni, joint author

Mumy, Gene

— see Dey, Shubhasis, joint author

Murchison, Stephen, Andrew Rennison, and Zhenhua Zhu

2004-4 A Structural Small Open-Economy Model for Canada

Murray, J.

99-12 Why Canada Needs a Flexible Exchange Rate

— see Issa, Ramzi, joint author

Papers earlier than 1994, not listed here, are available from Publications Distribution, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9.