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Health spending

The province will add $735 million to the Health and Wellness budget for 2006-07, a 7.7 per cent increase over last year, to continue making improvements to the health care system.

The increase will bring the Ministry's total 2006-07 budget to $10.3 billion.

Health capital

$748 million will be spent on health capital in 2006-07 (more information).

Physician services

$1.88 billion will be provided for physician services, including:

  • $75 million for alternate payment plans to allow academic physicians to focus more time on research, education and delivering specialty care to Albertans.
  • $70 million for primary care initiatives.
  • $21 million for the Physician Office System Program to expand the Electronic Health Record to physician offices.

Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund

$25 million will be drawn each year from the $500 million Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund for initiatives such as the:

  • expansion of cancer screening programs
  • development of a virtual cancer research institute to co-ordinate cancer research

Related story: Alberta to become a leading centre for cancer expertise in North America (February 22, 2006)

Drug benefits

Non-group health benefits will rise to $690 million, an increase of $91 million, or 15 per cent over 2005-06.

Health care insurance premiums

The income thresholds at which low-income families and individuals begin to pay partial premiums are being raised by $5,000 effective April 1, 2006 (more information).

Wait times

$27 million will be spent in 2006-07 to reduce wait times. This is the second half of a two-year $54 million initiative.

The initiative will include:

  • hip and knee replacements
  • breast cancer care
  • coronary artery bypass surgery
  • MRIs and CT scans
  • prostate cancer care.

The Alberta Hip and Knee Replacement Project, which decreased wait times for orthopedic surgery from 47 weeks to five weeks, will be used as a model to reduce wait times for other surgeries and procedures.

Read more about the Alberta Hip and Knee Replacement Project.

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