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Continuing care

Albertans in need of continuing care will see a benefit from increased funding over the next three years. By 2008-09, annual funding for continuing care initiatives will have increased by $127 million.

In this year's budget, $42 million is being provided to improve continuing care through changes such as:

  • increasing the number of hours of care to 3.6 hours per resident per day from 3.1 hours in 2004-05;
  • increasing access to therapy;
  • implementing new health care standards; and
  • improving case co-ordination.

This increase is on top of the $25 million increase provided in 2005-06.

An additional $30 million in funding will be used to implement the recommendations of the MLA Task Force on Continuing Care. A further increase of $20 million is budgeted for 2007-08.

Related story: Government accepts continuing care report (February 23, 2006)

This funding will be used to provide:

  • enhanced benefits to low-income seniors and Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) clients living in continuing care;
  • increased grants for many seniors lodges; and
  • additional support for Albertans with disabilities to access community services.

It will also be used to implement the continuing care accommodation standards.

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