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News & Newsletters Directory

Call of the Land Call of the Land is a five day-a-week radio program produced by Alberta Agriculture. It has stories on technology, research, production methods and marketing trends, as well as government programs and policies.
Agri-News Agri-News is a news package published each Monday that has information of interest to Albertans on agriculture, food and beverage production, marketing, research, provincial events and policy.
Alberta Government News Releases Agriculture-related news releases from the Government of Alberta.

Agri-preneur New Markets. New Trends. New Directions. The Alberta Agri-preneur newsletters provides timely, incisive and creative ideas for agriculture entrepreneurs.
AgriProfit$ AgriProfit$ brings you timely information, analysis and applied research on the economics and business management of cow/calf operations.
AgTech Centre Innovator AgTech Innovator is published by the AgTech Centre which is mandated to conduct engineering research and technology development to support a sustainable agriculture industry in Alberta.
Alberta Conservation Connection Conservation Connection highlights Alberta activities to conserve natural resources in agricultural production.
Animal Health Forum Animal Health is published quarterly to inform readers of division activities and bring attention to agri-food issues with food safety and market access implications.
Aquaculture in Alberta Aquaculture in Alberta is designed to meet the needs of those who are directly involved in the aquaculture industry.
Bacon Bits Bacon Bits is a monthly newsletter serving the hog production industry in Alberta.
Business of Beef in the North Business of Beef in the North is targeted to clients who are interested in opportunities in the cattle industry in the northern part of Alberta
Choice Matters Choice Matters is Alberta's public information campaign for marketing choice.
Council Connection Council Connection is designed to share information about what is happening in the Agricultural Products Marketing Council, government, and the agriculture and food industry.
Farm Safety Kids Club News The Farm Safety Kids Club Newsletter is published three times per year and is used to connect with rural youth 12 and under. The newsletter features activities such as puzzles, games and colouring to communicate important farm safety messages.
Farm Safety Newsletter The Farm Safety Newsletter is published three times per year to share farm safety information with rural Albertan's. The newsletter features farm safety articles, tips, activities and upcoming events.
Food News Food News is published by the Agri-Processing Branch to encourage growth, diversification, competitiveness and market readiness.
Food Safety News The Newsletter is designed to provide information and education for provincially licensed meat facilities personnel and inspectors.
Forage Seed Update This update provides a periodic review and outlook for the grass and legume seed markets in Western Canada and North America.
Green Certificate News News about the activities and inititiatives of the Green Certificate Program.
Green Matters Green Matters provides a forum for discussion of environmental issues in Alberta's agriculture and food processing industry.
Greenhouse Business Greenhouse Business is a bi-monthly newsletter about the Alberta greenhouse industry with information about industry issues, crop reports and crop management advice.
Market Clippings Do you have a farm-marketing question? Market Clippings may be able to help.
Market Monitor Market Monitor, published by the Strategic Information Services Unit, provides analysis of crop and livestock markets.
Meat Unit Update Agri-Processing Branch's newsletter supporting the sustainable growth and diversification of Alberta's meat industry
Poultry Research Centre News The Alberta Poultry Research Centre Newsletter is published twice a year to update the Alberta poultry industry on news and projects at the Centre.
Prairie Water News (Off-site Link) Prairie Water News provides practical information on the latest projects and research to improve rural water supply and water quality on the prairies.
RenewalNow! This publication is dedicated to communicating news from Alberta's Renewal Chapter of the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) and providing information on resources available to Alberta farmers to help grow the agricultural industry in our province.
Western Forage/Beef Group This newsletter's aim is to improve the profitability and sustainability of the forage-based beef industry.