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Voluntary Sector Portal

The Voluntary Sector Portal

This unique portal builds on the strengths and existing resources of the voluntary sector. VOLUNTARYGATEWAY.CA connects people and organizations to create a virtual pan-Canadian community of communities. It is designed to help voluntary sector organizations use technology to further their missions and increase community vitality.

This bilingual, one-stop, website encourages communication and collaboration by providing access to resources, discussion forums and other helpful technological tools.

There is more! The portal is the gateway to three other key resources: Changing Technology Funding Practices, the Canadian Directory to Foundations and Corporations,
and IM/IT Canada.


About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
Working & Volunteering | Research | VSI Reports | Contact Us

IM/IT Program | IM/IT News | IM/IT Best Practices | IM/IT RFOs | IM/IT Advisory Group | IM/IT Reports | IM/IT Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08
Access the Voluntary Sector Portal