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YRTE Activities

There is no YRTE program in 2006/07. Please refer to the YRTE home page for more information.

Youth Round Table on the Environment Empowers Young People to Help Environment

Strong, determined, passionate - these are all words that describe the members of this year’s Youth Round Table on the Environment (YRTE).

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The YRTE with Deputy Minister Alan Nymark. Photo credit: BembenStarted in 1997, the YRTE consists of up to 20 youths - aged 14-26 - from across Canada. Those entrusted with the responsibility of representing Canada’s youth nationally, while striving to protect the environment, have been chosen because of their diversity of talents and backgrounds.

Throughout the year, members of the Round Table are in regular contact by e-mail and phone in order to share information about what’s going on in their region of the country and learn from the initiatives of fellow members. In addition, members have up to three face-to-face meetings per year to meet with Environment Canada officials to discuss specific programs and issues.

Michelle MacGregor, who recently completed her first year with the Round Table on June 17th in Ottawa - the final meeting of 2002 - and has applied to serve a second term, is one such member who is deeply committed to these goals. On average, MacGregor volunteered eight to twelve hours of her time per week on projects like a workshop on climate change for the International Children’s Conference. Although MacGregor and many other members committed a lot of their spare time to working with the Round Table, she said it was a lot easier because of the group’s dynamism.

"One of the distinct qualities of a group like this is that we’re young, we’re creative, and we try to put a fun spin on things in general," she said. "Work is better when you’re having a good time and our attitudes are a lot more positive."

Danny Steinke, the youngest member of the group at only 16, just finished his second and final year with the YRTE. Although clearly self-confident and brimming with enthusiasm, he was quite apprehensive when he first joined the group in September of 2000.

"At first I was very scared because I was the youngest person to be on the Round Table," he said. " I honestly didn’t think I could take it but they’ve helped me so much here."

While he still plans on continuing his fight to make Windsor a more live-able city - by raising awareness about a city with one of the highest mortality and morbidity rates in Ontario; resulting from pollution from local automobile manufacturers and trans-boundary air and water pollution from Detroit, Michigan - he will always look fondly on his experiences with the YRTE.

"I’ve been heard tremendously well," he said. "Everything I’ve brought to the roundtable has been heard and people have been affected by it. Anything you bring up to this group, they will listen to, they will sit down and give you comments and input. Basically, it’s the most productive group I’ve ever been on."

Christina Paradiso, 22, is also moving on to new horizons, but not without an abundance of valuable experience. Since joining the YRTE she has served as a youth delegate at the Global Youth Forum hosted by the U.N., she helped formalize the youth action plan to be presented at this year’s World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), and she has spoken at several environmental conferences across Canada. Although she is looking forward to new challenges and opportunities, she will miss her involvement with the Round Table.

"I’ll miss the dynamic meetings, the great people, the incredible discussion, the passion to be involved, the opportunities, and the learning," she said. "If I was allowed to serve another term I would absolutely do so, without a doubt."

Rohan Gulrajani, from Montreal, just completed his first year and is inspired by what the group has accomplished in the past year. He applauds the efforts of fellow members like Steinke.

"I think what Danny is doing with the petition is phenomenal," he said. "It is the sort of exposure that is facilitated by and helps the YRTE,"…"these days there’s no such thing as a lone soldier in an environmental war."
Although Gulrajani realizes the importance of the Round Table members cooperating in order to tackle difficult environmental issues, he admits it is sometimes a challenge for everyone to agree on the best method of doing so.

"There are definitely different approaches in our group to addressing issues that are age-orientated, regionally orientated, and culturally orientated," he said. "I think it’s part of what makes this group good. There is so much diversity in youth and there is such a wide array of approaches to helping the environment."

Members like Jared Clarke, the sole member from Newfoundland, sees being a member of such a diverse group as a great means to make his voice heard while learning about other parts of the country.

"The best part of being involved in a group like this is I get to come to places like this (Ottawa) and meet face-to-face with a bunch of great young people from across Canada. I’ve learned a lot about the country, it’s different cultures, and people as a result."

Each member has a unique perspective of Canada as they come from all areas of our immense country. As a result, they also have different environmental issues that are close to their hearts - some are concerned about climate change or clean air, while others are interested in educating others about the natural world. Whatever their passion, the YRTE affords each of the members (last year there were 17) to make their voices heard and have an influence on current and future environmental policy. To do this, each of the representatives volunteer between three and twelve hours per week on incredibly diverse projects.

Steinke sums up his experiences with the round table best, saying, "If there is someone out there thinking of joining this group, I say do it. It will be the best experience of your life."

Recently, the YRTE ended its fifth year (2001-2002) with a productive meeting in Hull, Quebec with Minister Anderson and Deputy Minister Alan Nymark. Five members are returning in September for their second year on the Round Table. They will be joined by 13 bright and eager new faces.

If you didn’t get selected this year or didn’t know when to apply, applications for the 2003-2004 will be accepted in June 2003. Until then, keep active in your community and maybe we’ll see you on an upcoming Round Table!

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Other YRTE Activities:

2004 - 2005

2003 - 2004

2002 - 2003

2001 - 2002

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