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IT Community
Leadership Development
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IT Management Development Program
IT Community Champions Committee
IT Executive Development Program
Scope and Objectives
Updates for 2003/2004
IT EDP Activities and Process Summary
Applying to IT EDP
Start of IT Executive Development Program Description
Graduation from the Program
Roles and Responsibilities
The Competencies
Project Management Training Courses List

IT Leadership Continuum

IT Executive Development Program


The IT Executive Development Program is an accelerated three-year development program that offers a dynamic opportunity for executives experienced in the IT domain of the federal community and interested in broadening their career horizons in the Public Service. By participating in the Program, senior IT executives can gain better insights into their individual career potential. Program participants will have opportunities to take on challenging new assignments, make contacts in a variety of organizations and will develop a clearer vision of their ability to contribute to the development of IT in support of the federal government's priorities and directions. They will be prepared to compete for Chief Information Officer and Director General positions in government departments and agencies.

Government of Canada
Created: 2003-03-03
Updated: 2003-12-23
Reviewed: 2003-03-03