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Canadian Military Heritage
Table of Contents

The First Warriors
Soldiers of the Sixteenth Century
The First Soldiers of New France
The King's Soldiers
The Compagnies Franches de la Marine of Canada
The Ministry Of The Navy Takes Control
Canadian Officers
Canadian Campaigns
The Strategic Defence Of Canada
European Tactics: Impractical In Canada
Canadian Tacticians
An Original Doctrine Of War
Organization Of Expeditions
Pierre Le Moyne D'iberville
Dominance Of Raid Warfare
Treatment Of Prisoners
Canadian Militiamen
Canadian Voyageurs
Militia Weapons
Militiamen In Combat
Specialized Militia Companies
The Shock Of The Attack On Lachine
1690: A Key Year
The American Colonies Attack New France
Phips At Quebec
The Exhaustion Of The Iroquois
The Failed Invasion Of 1711
Toward the Creation of an Empire
The First Expeditionary Corps
Soldiers of the Atlantic Seaboard
The Military Empire
The Organization of New France
Daily Life in New France
Flags and Uniforms

CHAPTER 5 The Compagnies Franches de la Marine of Canada

Phips At Quebec ( 1 page )

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Sir William Phips before Quebec in October 1690
Sir William Phips before Quebec in October 1690
(Click image to enlarge)

The fleet arrived at Quebec, where Frontenac and his troops were waiting, on October 16, 1690.  Phips rather presumptuously gave the count an hour to surrender, before he would attack.  Frontenac's hot temper gave rise to one of the most famous phrases in Canadian history:  "The only response I have for your general is through the muzzles of my cannons." 68 These words perfectly summarized the feelings of the officers and men, both from the regular troops and the militia.

The Massachusetts battalions landed to the east of the city, marching in a line with their drums beating and their flags flying in the wind - a beautiful sight according to observers from both camps - before being raked over by defenders lying in ambush.  In their haste to get back on their ships, the Americans left five of their six artillery pieces on the field.  The two sides bombarded each other, and the American flagship was damaged, losing its colours, which fell into the hands of the French.  On October 24, the fleet weighed anchor and returned to Boston.

Thus ended the first American attempt to invade Canada.  But the story was not over yet in Boston.  When the expedition returned without the expected booty, the debt owed by Massachusetts rose to some £50,000 - an enormous sum for the times.  The coffers were empty.  In order to "calm the clamour of the soldiers and sailors" 69 demanding their pay, the authorities, fearing an armed insurrection, had bills of credit printed for the veterans, while raising taxes considerably.  Unfortunately for the veterans, however, the bills lost value quickly and were soon worth only half their face value.   These rude awakenings, both military and financial, calmed bellicose spirits, and nothing so ambitious would again be undertaken against Canada without the assistance of regular army and naval forces from the mother country.

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Quebec batteries firing on Phipp’s ships during October 1690        
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