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Research at Memorial

Inco Innovation Centre

Memorial's research strengths are rooted in our maritime location. But our interests and expertise continue to grow and diversify, making us one of the most innovative research facilities in Atlantic Canada.

Research at Memorial spans all disciplines including science, medicine, arts, social sciences, engineering, education, and business.

External research funding granted to Memorial has steadily increased over the past decade, exceeding $80 million this year.

Through our Strategic Research Plan, we are working to double our research capacity in these four thematic areas over the next five years:

  • Ocean and Coastal studies
  • Industrial Development and Environmental Sustainability
  • Health
  • North Atlantic/Newfoundland and Labrador Studies

In recent years, our researchers have garnered funding to launch major interdisciplinary projects involving several universities or institutions.

As well, Memorial is home to 24 Canada Research Chairs, held by some of our leading researchers. The chairs are studying nutrition, archeology, boreal and cold ocean systems, healthy aging, and Irish history, among others.