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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. S-HTTP
  2. s-mail
  3. SA
  4. satellite card receiver
  5. saturation attack
  6. saturation computer attack
  7. scan the mailbox, to
  8. scanability
  9. scannability
  10. scene graph
  11. scientific blog
  12. scientific weblog
  13. score
  14. scraping
  15. screen mode browser
  16. screen reader
  17. screen reading device
  18. screening router
  19. script kid
  20. script kiddie
  21. script kiddy
  22. script-kiddy
  23. scripting component
  24. scripting language
  25. scriptlet
  26. scrolling banner
  27. SCSI over IP
  28. scum software
  29. scumware
  30. search directory
  31. search engine
  32. search engine ranking
  33. search-engine server
  34. search engine submission
  35. search results page
  36. search server software
  37. search tool
  38. Second Level Domain
  39. secret key
  40. secret-key algorithm
  41. secret-key cryptographic algorithm
  42. secret-key cryptographic system
  43. secret-key cryptography
  44. secret-key cryptosystem
  45. secret-key system
  46. section header
  47. secure
  48. secure, to
  49. secure access
  50. Secure Electronic Transaction
  51. Secure HTTP
  52. Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
  53. secure payment
  54. secure purchase
  55. secure purchase order
  56. secure sales order
  57. secure server
  58. secure site
  59. Secure Socket Layer
  60. Secure Socket Layer protocol
  61. Secure Sockets Layer
  62. Secure Sockets Layer protocol
  63. secure Web server
  64. secured
  65. secured access
  66. secured payment
  67. secured purchase
  68. secured purchase order
  69. secured sales order
  70. secured server
  71. secured site
  72. secured Web server
  73. securise, to
  74. security applications suite
  75. security association
  76. security protocol
  77. security software suite
  78. security suite
  79. self-service window
  80. Semantic Web
  81. semiometric
  82. semiometry
  83. sender blacklist
  84. Separator node
  85. serial generator
  86. Serial Line Interface Protocol
  87. Serial Line Internet Protocol
  88. Serial Line IP
  89. Serial Link Internet Protocol
  90. serialgen
  91. server
  92. server-based engine
  93. server-based PC
  94. server box
  95. server-centric
  96. server computer
  97. server-side
  98. server-side image map
  99. servercentric
  100. service cluster
  101. service electronic delivery
  102. service provider
  103. service provider access
  104. servlet
  105. session key
  106. SET
  107. set of tags
  108. sexual cyberpredation
  109. SGML
  110. SGML language
  111. shape node
  112. shared key
  113. shareware
  114. shill
  115. shill bidder
  116. Shockwave
  117. Shockwave plug-in
  118. Shockwave technology
  119. shop online
  120. shop online, to
  121. shopbot
  122. shopping agent
  123. shopping basket
  124. shopping bot
  125. shopping cart
  126. shopping robot
  127. show recap
  128. signal-to-noise ratio
  129. signature
  130. signature file
  131. simple link
  132. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  133. Simple Mail Transport Protocol
  134. Simple Object Access Protocol
  135. Simply Interactive PC
  136. Simply Interactive PC initiative
  137. single-key system
  138. single-pixel GIF
  139. single-processor server
  140. single sign-on
  141. single-use credit card number
  142. single-value field
  143. single-valued field
  144. SIPC
  145. SIPC initiative
  146. SIPC Technology
  147. site
  148. site access
  149. site audit
  150. site credit title
  151. site credits
  152. site directory
  153. site map
  154. site plan
  155. site ranking
  156. site referencing
  157. site registration
  158. site-specific search engine
  159. site-specific search tool
  160. site stickiness
  161. site visitors
  162. site visitorship
  163. skin
  164. skinable
  165. skinnable
  166. SLD
  167. SLIP
  168. SLIP protocol
  169. smail
  170. smart card reader
  171. smart shopping agent
  172. smart terminal
  173. SMIL
  174. SMIL language
  175. smiley
  176. smiley face
  177. smilie
  178. smilie face
  179. SMTP
  180. SMTP protocol
  181. snail mail
  182. snap-in
  183. sniffer
  184. sniffing
  185. snooping
  186. SOAP
  187. SOAP protocol
  188. socket
  189. software plug-in
  190. SoIP
  191. sound blog
  192. sound blogging
  193. sound bloging
  194. sound entry
  195. sound post
  196. sound weblog
  197. sound weblogging
  198. sound webloging
  199. source
  200. source port
  201. spam
  202. spam
  203. spam, to
  204. spam indexing
  205. spam-indexing
  206. spam message
  207. spam relay
  208. spam relay server
  209. spam sender blacklist
  210. spamdexing
  211. spamer
  212. spaming
  213. spammer
  214. spammer blacklist
  215. spamming
  216. special character
  217. spider
  218. spider robot
  219. splash page
  220. splash screen
  221. spontaneous networking
  222. spoof
  223. spoof site
  224. spoof Web site
  225. sport blog
  226. sport weblog
  227. SPSC
  228. spyware
  229. SSL
  230. SSL protocol
  231. SSO
  232. standalone Java application
  233. Standard Generalized Markup Language
  234. standard generalled markup language
  235. Standard Products and Services Classification
  236. start page
  237. start tag
  238. start-up
  239. startup page
  240. static IP address
  241. static IP number
  242. stealth surfing
  243. steganogram
  244. steganographic
  245. steganographical
  246. steganography
  247. stickiness
  248. sticky marketing
  249. stock picking
  250. stop tag
  251. stop word
  252. stopword
  253. storage over IP
  254. storage tunneling
  255. store-and-forward messaging service
  256. store finder
  257. store location
  258. store locator
  259. store online
  260. storefront site
  261. stream, to
  262. streamed data
  263. streaming
  264. streaming
  265. streaming audio
  266. streaming audio
  267. streaming data
  268. streaming file
  269. streaming format
  270. streaming media
  271. streaming media file
  272. streaming media player
  273. streaming-media server
  274. streaming media technology
  275. streaming technology
  276. streaming video
  277. streaming video
  278. strong encryption
  279. structured object
  280. style sheet positioning
  281. sub-site
  282. sub site
  283. subnet
  284. subnet address
  285. subnet addressing
  286. subnet mask
  287. subnet number
  288. subnet numbering
  289. subnetting
  290. subnetwork
  291. subnetwork address
  292. subnetwork mask
  293. subnetworking
  294. subscribe, to
  295. subscription-based Internet service provider
  296. subscription-based ISP
  297. subscription-free Internet service provider
  298. subscription-free ISP
  299. subsite
  300. suffix
  301. superencipherment
  302. superencrypted ciphertext
  303. superencryption
  304. surf, to
  305. surface link
  306. surfing
  307. SW
  308. swap image
  309. switched communication line
  310. switched line
  311. SYMM
  312. SYMM working group
  313. symmetric algorithm
  314. symmetric cryptography
  315. symmetric cryptosystem
  316. symmetric encipherment
  317. symmetric encryption
  318. symmetric key
  319. symmetric key algorithm
  320. symmetric key system
  321. symmetrical encryption
  322. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
  323. Synchronized Multimedia working group
  324. syndicated content
  325. syndication
  326. syndication button
  327. syndication content
  328. syndicational content
  329. syntactic tree
  330. syntax tree
  331. SYSOP
  332. sysop
  333. system daemon
  334. System Operator
  335. system-oriented machine

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