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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. G to B
  2. G to B transactions
  3. G to C
  4. G to C transactions
  5. G to E
  6. G to E transactions
  7. G2B
  8. G2B transactions
  9. G2C
  10. G2C transactions
  11. G2E
  12. G2E transactions
  13. gateway host
  14. geek
  15. generic Top Level Domain
  16. Generic Top Level Domain Memorandum Of Understanding
  17. Get Together
  18. ghost page
  19. ghost site
  20. GigaPOP
  21. GigaPOP connection
  22. global Internet exchange
  23. glossary list
  24. Go button
  25. go live
  26. go live, to
  27. Go To button
  28. going live
  29. GOL
  30. goodie
  31. gopher
  32. Gopher
  33. Gopher client
  34. gopher client
  35. Gopher hole
  36. Gopher server
  37. Gopher site
  38. gopher space
  39. gopherspace
  40. Gopherspace
  41. government-citizen transactions
  42. government-citizens transactions
  43. government on-line
  44. Government PKI
  45. government portal
  46. Government Public Key Infrastructure
  47. government-to-business
  48. government to business
  49. government-to-business transactions
  50. government to business transactions
  51. government to citizen
  52. government-to-citizen transactions
  53. government to citizens
  54. government-to-citizens transactions
  55. government-to-employee
  56. government to employee
  57. government to employee transactions
  58. government-to-employee transactions
  59. government to employees
  60. government-to-employees
  61. government-to-employees transactions
  62. government to employees transactions
  63. Governmental PKI
  64. governmental portal
  65. Governmental Public Key Infrastructure
  66. governmental site
  67. governmental Web site
  68. GPKI
  69. graphic charter
  70. graphic chat
  71. graphic chatting
  72. graphical browser
  73. graphical charter
  74. graphical chat
  75. graphical chat server
  76. graphical chatting
  77. graphical debugger
  78. graphical Java RAD environment
  79. graphical project manager
  80. graphics-based browser
  81. graphics-capable browser
  82. grassroots promotion
  83. greeting e-card
  84. greeting Webcard
  85. group blog
  86. group buying site
  87. group-buying site
  88. group node
  89. group weblog
  90. grouping node
  91. GT
  92. gTLD
  93. gTLD-MoU
  94. gTLD-MoU framework
  95. guest blog
  96. guest-blogger
  97. guest blogger
  98. guest blogging
  99. guest-blogging
  100. guest book
  101. guest weblog
  102. guest weblogger
  103. guestblog, to
  104. guestblogger
  105. guestblogging
  106. guestbook
  107. guiltware

Portail du Gouvernement du Québec