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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. b-blog
  2. B to B e-commerce
  3. B-to-B exchange
  4. B to B portal
  5. B-to-B-to-B
  6. B-to-B-to-C
  7. B to G
  8. B2B commerce enabler
  9. B2B e-commerce
  10. B2B e-hub
  11. B2B enabler
  12. B2B exchange
  13. B2B facilitator
  14. B2B portal
  15. B2B2B
  16. B2B2C
  17. B2E commerce
  18. B2E e-commerce
  19. B2G
  20. back link
  21. back list
  22. back office
  23. back-office
  24. back-office application
  25. back office application
  26. back-office application software
  27. back-office software
  28. back-office system
  29. back-store
  30. back store
  31. backlink
  32. backlist
  33. ban, to
  34. bank site
  35. bank transfer
  36. bank Web site
  37. bank wire transfer
  38. banking site
  39. banking Web site
  40. banner ad
  41. banner display
  42. banner exposure
  43. banner impression
  44. barf e-mail
  45. barfmail
  46. basket, in
  47. bastion host
  48. batch of messages
  49. BBS
  50. BCC
  51. BCV
  52. BDK
  53. Bean
  54. BeanBox
  55. BeanBox test container
  56. Beans Development Kit
  57. beginning tag
  58. behavioral biometrics
  59. behavioral biometry
  60. behaviors
  61. BGP
  62. bid manipulation
  63. bilingual blog
  64. bilingual weblog
  65. biometric
  66. biometric attribute
  67. biometric authentication
  68. biometric data
  69. biometric mouse
  70. biometric sample
  71. biometrical
  72. biometrical authentication
  73. biometrics
  74. biometry
  75. Bitnet
  76. biz blog
  77. black list
  78. Blackbird
  79. blacklist
  80. blade server
  81. blind carbon copy
  82. blind courtesy copy
  83. block access, to
  84. block ciphering
  85. block encipherment
  86. block encryption
  87. blocked domain list
  88. blocked domains list
  89. blocked sender list
  90. blocked senders list
  91. blocking software
  92. blog
  93. blog, to
  94. blog addict
  95. blog addiction
  96. blog archives
  97. blog author
  98. blog comment
  99. blog commentator
  100. blog commenter
  101. blog directory
  102. blog entry
  103. blog host
  104. blog hoster
  105. blog of war
  106. blog post
  107. blog publishing software
  108. blog reader
  109. blog roll
  110. blog search engine
  111. blog software
  112. blogable
  113. blogaddict
  114. blogaddiction
  115. blogalisation
  116. blogalization
  117. blogcast
  118. blogcast, to
  119. blogcast file
  120. blogcastable
  121. blogcaster
  122. blogcasting
  123. blogeoisie
  124. bloger
  125. blogesque
  126. bloggable
  127. blogger
  128. blogging
  129. blogging software
  130. bloggingsphere
  131. bloggosphere
  132. bloggospheric
  133. bloggospherical
  134. bloghost
  135. bloghoster
  136. blogian
  137. bloging
  138. blogish
  139. blogitude
  140. blogiverse
  141. blogland
  142. blogmania
  143. blogmos
  144. blogocentric
  145. blogoisie
  146. blogologic
  147. blogological
  148. blogologist
  149. blogology
  150. blogomania
  151. blogophile
  152. blogophilia
  153. blogosphere
  154. blogospheric
  155. blogospherical
  156. blogroll
  157. blogs reader
  158. blogs search engine
  159. blogspace
  160. blogsphere
  161. blogware
  162. body
  163. body of the message
  164. bookmark
  165. bookmark, to
  166. bookmark list
  167. bookmarking
  168. Border Gateway Protocol
  169. bot
  170. botnet
  171. bounce e-mail
  172. bounce e-mail message
  173. bounce mail
  174. bounce message
  175. bounced e-mail
  176. bounced e-mail message
  177. bounced mail
  178. bounced message
  179. box, in
  180. box, IN
  181. brand spoofing
  182. bread-crumb trail
  183. bread-crumbs trail
  184. breadcrumb
  185. breadcrumb trail
  186. breadcrumbs trail
  187. brick and click
  188. bricks 'n' clicks
  189. bricks and clicks
  190. broadband Internet
  191. broadband Internet access
  192. brochure-ware site
  193. brochure-ware Web site
  194. brochureware
  195. brochureware site
  196. brochureware Web site
  197. broken link
  198. browse, to
  199. browse off-line, to
  200. browser
  201. browser-based app
  202. browser-based application
  203. browser box
  204. browser-enabled mobile phone
  205. browsing
  206. browsing accelerator
  207. browsing pane
  208. browsing session
  209. browsing software
  210. buddy
  211. buddy list
  212. bulk e-mail
  213. bullet
  214. bulleted list
  215. bulleted list chart
  216. bulletin board
  217. Bulletin Board Message System
  218. Bulletin Board System
  219. Bulletin Board System Operator
  220. burn-out
  221. burn-out effect
  222. burnout
  223. burnout effect
  224. business blog
  225. business exchange
  226. business logic
  227. business place
  228. business portal
  229. business-to-business commerce enabler
  230. business-to-business e-commerce
  231. business-to-business electronic commerce
  232. business-to-business enabler
  233. business-to-business exchange
  234. business-to-business facilitator
  235. business-to-business-to-business
  236. business to business to customer
  237. business-to-business-to-customer
  238. business-to-employee commerce
  239. business-to-employee e-commerce
  240. business-to-government
  241. business to government
  242. business weblog
  243. buy by Internet, to
  244. buy in Internet, to
  245. buy on Internet, to
  246. buy online, to
  247. by
  248. Byte Code Verifier

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