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Taxation Index
B.C. Family Bonus
Family Bonus Program and Canada Child Tax Benefit Program information and forms for low and modest income working families.
B.C. Manufacturing and Processing Tax Credit
Manufacturing and processing tax credit information and forms.
B.C. Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit
Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit information and forms.
Consumer Taxation Branch
Consumer Taxation Branch information on sales tax (PST), tobacco/fuel/horse racing tax and hotel/motel/B&B; taxes.
Consumer Taxation Branch Forms
Consumer Taxation Branch forms and contact information.
Corporation Capital Tax
Capital tax payable by corporations with a permanent establishment in British Columbia.
Corporation Capital Tax Information Bulletins
Corporation Capital Tax information bulletins and subscription.
Cutting Red Tape
Reducing unnecessary red tape and regulation by 1/3 within 3 years
Disability Exemptions: Consumer Taxation
Tax exemption information for persons with a disability.
First Nations: Available Tax Exemptions
Tax exemption information for First Nations individuals and bands situated on a reserve or designated reserve land.
Income Taxation Branch
Income Taxation Branch: tax administration functions including audit and compliance, refunds, collection activities and vendor information.
Insurance Premium Tax
Tax information guide for licensed insurance companies that insure persons resident in the province or property located in the province.
Insurance Premium Tax Information Bulletin Subscription
Insurance Premium Tax information bulletins and subscription.
International Financial Activity Information Bulletin Subscription
International Financial Activity Information bulletins and subscription.
International Financial Business Tax Refund
International Financial Business Tax refund information and forms.
Logging Tax
Logging tax information and forms for individuals and corporations with net income derived from logging operations.
Manufactured Home: Moving
Manufactured homes: supplementary assessment and rural property tax clearance certificate guidelines.
Mining Exploration Tax Credit
Mining exploration tax credit information and forms for eligible individuals and corporations conducting grassroots mineral exploration.
Mining Tax
Mining tax information and forms.
Personal Income Tax Information Bulletins
Mining Exploration Tax Credit and B.C. Family Bonus Tax Benefits information bulletins and subscription.
Political Tax Credit
Political tax credit for contributions to a B.C. political party constituency association or candidate.
Production Services Tax Credit
Production services tax credit, for accredited film and video production corporations, information and forms.
Property Assessment Appeal Board
Property assessment appeal requests submission.
Property Forfeiture, Redemption and Revestment
Rural property: loss of ownership due to non-payment of taxes.
Property Ownership Records
Property ownership: guidelines to apply, change and update records.
Property Tax Deferment
Tax deferment: general information, application criteria and forms.
Property Tax Farm Extensions
Farm extension program: gives farmers extra time to pay rural property taxes without penalty.
Property Transfer Tax
Property transfer tax information and forms.
Property Transfer Tax Bulletins
Property Transfer Tax information bulletins and subscription.
Real Property Taxation Branch
Tax information and forms regarding properties located outside municipal boundaries.
Registration to Collect/Remit Tax
Vendor/Operator registrations and approvals to collect/remit tax and access to on-line forms and registration.
Rural Property Tax Payment Options
Rural property tax payment plan options.
Rural Property Tax Rates
Property taxation: determining tax rates that apply to specific rural properties.
Rural Property Taxation Refunds
Rural property tax refund circumstances.
Sales (Social Service) Tax Remittance
Sales tax remittance instructions and forms for registered operators/vendors, individuals and non-registered businesses.
Sales of Manufactured Homes
Manufactured homes social service tax applications and definitions.
Small Business: Two-Year Tax Holiday
Two-year tax holiday for new small businesses information and forms.
Tax Act Appeals
Appeal instructions for the Corporation Capital, Insurance Premium, Logging, Income, Mining , Property Transfer, International Business (Refund), and Income Tax Acts.
Tax Assessment Appeals
Appeal process and guidelines for Hotel Room, Social Service, Tobacco, Motor Fuel Tax Acts assessments or disallowed refunds.
Tax Audit
Tax audit procedures and information.
Tax Credit: Film and Television
Film and television tax information and forms for refundable tax credits.
Tax Reduction
Summary of recent tax changes in British Columbia
Corporate income tax information bulletins
Taxes: Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Electronic filing and remitting, GST/HST TELEFILE, guides, forms, news and HST information.
Taxes: Paying your Property Taxes
Details and options for paying your property taxes
Taxes: Personal Income Tax
Personal income tax information and forms.
Taxes: Subscribe to Logging Tax Bulletins
Logging Tax information bulletins and subscription.
Tobacco Tax Exemption Program
Exempt sale retail dealer information, guidelines, reporting requirements etc.
Venture Capital Credit for Corporations
Corporate income tax venture capital credit for Corporations.
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