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BCMAL Forage, Pasture & Hay 
Fact Sheets & Publications

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Forage, Pasture & Hay Format
Alfalfa Diseases and Deficiencies in British Columbia html
Alfalfa Disease Resistance Ratings html
Alsike Clover Toxicity in Horses html
Barley Silage and Central BC Recommendations html
BC Peace River Forage Recommendations html & pdf
Cariboo Forage Recommendations 2002 html & pdf
Central BC Forage Recommendations 2002 html & pdf
Crop Rotations for Central BC html & pdf
Direct Seeding for Perennial Forage Crops html
BCMAL Drought Strategies html
Feed Sampling html
Field Crop Variety Performance 2000, 2001 html & pdf
Farm Practices in BC - Forage pdf
Forage Preplant Soil Management html & pdf
Forage Quality html
Forage Production on Poorly Drained Soils in the Southern Interior of British Columbia pdf
Kamloops District Forage Manual html
Lease Agreements: Dairy, Grain, Pasture, Vegetable, Orchard, & Livestock. html
New Grass Varieties for South Coastal Region html
Orchardgrass Varieties 2002 pdf
Oat Silage and Central BC Recommendations html
Prairie Pest Monitoring Network: Bertha Armyworm html
Planning for Profit Enterprise Budgets: Forage html
Tall Fescue and Endophytes html
Variety testing - Statistic used to analyse Varieties html
Wetland Meadow Development pdf
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