Introduction to the Service Plan

The mandate of the ministry is to enhance the economic development and environmental sustainability of the agriculture and food sectors and Crown land, while delivering safe, high quality products for the enjoyment and well-being of B.C.’s citizens. Services provided by the ministry fall broadly into two groups:

  • those supporting the agriculture and food sectors (food industry development initiatives, improved resource and risk management practices in the agriculture and aquaculture sectors, and enhanced food safety and quality); and
  • those supporting the development and implementation of a Crown Land Allocation Framework (CLAF) and management of Crown land (including contaminated sites on Crown land).

The Integrated Land Management Bureau reports through the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands but operates relatively independently of it. The bureau is a client-focused organization providing services, on behalf of the ministry and other provincial ministries and agencies, to clients outside and within the provincial government. It does this by:

  • coordinating applications for access to Crown resources (tenures, permits, licences, Crown grants, etc.) through regional FrontCounter BC offices;
  • developing, implementing and revising land use plans;
  • managing and delivering resource information; and
  • prioritizing and coordinating recovery planning for broad-ranging species-at-risk.

Through these services, and working within the Crown land use policies set by the ministry, the bureau supports the balanced development of the Province’s natural resources.

This service plan presents the goals, objectives and expected results over the 2006/07–2008/09 period for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Integrated Land Management Bureau and is divided into two parts:

  • Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands; and
  • Part B: Integrated Land Management Bureau.
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