Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands — Continued

Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Regulatory Reform

The ministry will support the Government’s Regulatory Reform initiatives by committing to further reducing regulatory requirements to reduce the regulatory burden and improving regulatory quality by:

  • identifying at least one regulatory reform opportunity that will shift the ministry’s regulations to be more citizen-centred, cost effective, results-based and responsive to our clients by reducing and/or streamlining the steps or business processes involved in complying with ministry regulations; and
  • adhering to the regulatory criteria set out in the Regulatory Reform Policy, and targeting a zero per cent net increase in regulation through 2008/09.

Citizen-Centred Service Delivery

Key Initiative Underway in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

What Does it Do? What Benefits Does it Provide?
InfoBasket — one-stop shop for agriculture and food information on the Internet.

InfoBasket is organized into areas of interest called Communities (e.g., Apiculture or Beef). Each Community is comprised of folders, such as: Production and Processing; Business Management and Finance; Marketing and Trade; Regulations and Legislation; Directories and Contacts; and Statistics and Market Data. Within these folders producers can access documents specific to their agri-business needs. There are 25 Communities included in InfoBasket at present.

An electronic survey is currently underway to identify the level of satisfaction with InfoBasket and where improvements can be made.
Improved client access to information sources from around the world, including governments, universities and research institutes.
FrontCounter BC — Providing a single-point-of-contact service to businesses and individuals seeking information and authorizations for the use of Crown land and associated resources on behalf of provincial ministries and agencies. In support of the government’s Citizen-Centred Service Delivery FrontCounter BC initiative, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands is working directly with the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) to support that agency’s delivery of “single-point-of-contact” services in a number of regional centres for a number of natural resource ministries and agencies.

The ministry’s clients will be able to seek information and make application for the use of natural resources through the Bureau. In addition, the ministry is committed to making best efforts to achieve target adjudication times on applications.
Crown Land Allocation Framework — The ministry is leading development of a coordinated, cross ministry policy framework for Crown land allocation. Consistent application of policy and a more streamlined approach to allocation of Crown land while protecting the provincial interest.

The initiative helps to improve the quality and timeliness of allocation decisions and provides a more secure access to Crown resources.
Contaminated Sites — The ministry is leading development and implementation of an approach to managing contaminated sites that coordinates activities across all agencies with a responsibility for contaminated sites to ensure that highest-priority sites are remediated. Citizen interests are protected by making sure that provincially significant sites are attended to first. Public health and safety, environmental sustainability and economic objectives are more effectively pursued.
The Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program — CAIS is a complex program administered by the federal government. The ministry provides access for farmers to accountants and expert staff, as well as numerous seminars and presentations in all regions of the Province.

Ministry experts are well versed in how CAIS functions for the unique and diverse mix of crops grown in B.C. They act as a resource to clients to troubleshoot problems, and to federal representatives to adapt procedures.
Clients receive program delivery better adapted to B.C. and misunderstandings are reduced resulting in decrease of lengthy and expensive appeal proceedings.

Clients gain a better understanding of the program and avoid lengthy delays by avoiding errors in completion of forms.
Production Insurance — The regular meetings are held with commodity associations and industry leaders to discuss the design of products, and the performance of the Production Insurance program. This is an integral part of policy formation.

The ministry is expanding its website to include forms and contract wordings and an opportunity for clients to provide direct feedback to the ministry on Production Insurance.

Plans are in place to offer alternate payment methods (credit, debit cards) for Production Insurance premiums.
Clients have a greater understanding of the program, a greater sense of ownership and confidence that their issues will be addressed.

Clients have better access to forms and information and improved opportunity to provide feedback or express concerns directly.

Clients have increased flexibility in how they pay, and opportunity for credit card financing and incentives.

Information Resources Management Plan

The ministry’s Information Resource Management Plan overview is available at:

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