Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands — Continued

Resource Summary — Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

The Resource Summary outlines the estimated expenditures by core business area. The summary includes all expenditures for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Integrated Land Management Bureau and the Agricultural Land Commission. The ALC has its own service plan containing a separate resource summary; ILMB’s resource summary is included in Part B of this plan.

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Food Industry Development 11,586 16,389 17,390 21,240
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 8,562 8,478 8,478 8,478
Risk Management (includes Special Account) 29,679 26,957 26,958 35,108
Crown Land Administration 30,001 36,171 37,170 37,120
Executive and Support Services2 8,848 8,373 8,373 8,373
Sub-Total 88,676 96,368 98,369 110,319
Agricultural Land Commission 2,068 2,108 2,104 2,104
Integrated Land Management Bureau 52,832 58,984 58,469 51,599
Crown Land Special Account 141,820 69,037 71,037 46,037
Ministry Total 285,396 226,497 229,979 210,059
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Food Industry Development 155 157 157 157
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 85 83 83 83
Risk Management 35 35 35 35
Crown Land Administration 98 146 146 147
Executive and Support Services2 21 10 10 10
Total 394 431 431 432
Agricultural Land Commission 21 22 22 22
Integrated Land Management Bureau 248 347 349 349
Crown Land Special Account
Ministry Total 663 800 802 803
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Food Industry Development 1,180 888 888 888
Agriculture and Aquaculture Management 485 437 437 437
Risk Management 170 168 168 168
Crown Land Administration 65 420 142 61
Executive and Support Services2 98 87 87 88
Total 1,998 2,000 1,722 1,642
Agricultural Land Commission 15 15 5 5
Integrated Land Management Bureau 10,937 8,762 7,640 7,054
Crown Land Special Account
Ministry Total 12,950 10,777 9,367 8,701
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Food Industry Development: 629 518 471 344
Agriculture Credit Act — Receipts
Crown Land Special Account: 144 100 70 70
Crown Land Special Account — Receipts
Total Receipts 773 618 541 414
Crown Land Administration3 — Disbursements 0 8,250 8,250 8,250
Total Disbursements 0 8,250 8,250 8,250
Total Net Cash Source, (Requirement) 773 (7,632) (7,709) (7,836)

1  These amounts have been restated for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the 2006/07 Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  Corporate Services staff numbers (FTEs) that support the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Integrated Land Management Bureau, Agricultural Land Commission, Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Assessment Office are all shown under the Ministry of Environment (280 FTEs). The net operating budget for corporate services covers only the costs of the Ministry Operations Vote. (The corporate services budget for the Integrated Land Management Bureau is included in the total and shown in detail in Part B of this service plan).
3  Crown Land Administration Other Financing Transactions include the disbursements related to expenses incurred in this fiscal year for development of land for future sale or tenure.
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