Part B: Integrated Land Management Bureau — Continued

Resource Summary — Integrated Land Management Bureau

The Resource Summary outlines the estimated expenditures by core business area. The Integrated Land Management Bureau operates under its own vote within the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (see Part A) as specified in the Estimates.

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Regional Client Services2 13,593 17,968 17,969 17,969
Strategic Land and Resource Planning3 12,850 8,858 8,858 858
Species-at-Risk Coordination 626 1,210 710 710
Resource Information Management 13,652 17,813 17,797 18,927
Bureau Management4 12,111 13,135 13,135 13,135
Total 52,832 58,984 58,469 51,599
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Regional Client Services2 135 189 189 189
Strategic Land and Resource Planning 8 12 12 12
Species-at-Risk Coordination 4 4 4 4
Resource Information Management 84 125 127 127
Bureau Management5 17 17 17 17
Total 248 347 349 349
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Regional Client Services 195 765 720 495
Strategic Land and Resource Planning
Species-at-Risk Coordination
Resource Information Management 10,209 6,319 6,149 5,788
Bureau Management 533 1,678 771 771
Total 10,937 8,762 7,640 7,054

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  The budget for Regional Client Services was increased from 2005/06 onwards due to transfer of $4.1 million in funding and 53 FTEs principally for FrontCounter BC from Crown Land Administration in the Ministry Operations Vote.
3  The budgets for Strategic Land and Resource Planning include special Treasury Board allocations for implementing strategic land use plans of $12 million in 2005/06, $8 million in 2006/07 and 2007/08 respectively.
4  Bureau Management includes the Office of the Associate Deputy Minister, Corporate Operations Branch, and a portion of Corporate Services Division (finance, facilities, etc.) Please see complete description of this core business on page 42.
5  This does not include the FTEs in Corporate Services Division servicing the bureau. These are shown in the Ministry of Environment service plan.

Recoveries and Revenues

Through partnerships and other arrangements with various organizations, the bureau provides services and then recovers some or all of the costs. These recoveries are expected to amount to $20.4 million in 2006/07. Principal items include approximately $4.5 million in funding from the Forest Investment Account for land and resource-use planning and information services and $8.4 million from Crown Land Administration in the Ministry Operations Vote for regional adjudication services in Regional Client Services.

The bureau expects to collect revenues of about $1 million from a number of sources, including map and air-photo sales.

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