Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Coast Forest Region
Legislation Table of ContentsContact Information for the South Island Forest District
Objectives for Recreation Resources ver.: 3.4
Site Contents
SIFD Home Page  
Web Site Index  
A. Objectives Matrix Introduction
B. Objectives set by Government for the FRPA Values
C. Objectives Matrix Site Content List
D. Objectives Matrix FTP Site
1 Soils
2 Timber including Forest Health
3 Wildlife
4 Fish
5 Water
6 Biodiversity
7 Cultural Heritage Resources
8 Resources Features
9 Recreation Resources
10 Visual Quality
11 Forage & Associated Plant Communities
Other Links
FRPA Training Web site
FRPA resource evaluation program
Forest and Range Practices Act site



Important note: on January 1, 2006 the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts took over responsibility for forest recreation sites and trails from the Ministry of Forests. For more information visit the MoTSA web site.

How to use this web site and where to find information:

1. The Objectives Matrix Recreations Resources page contains Objectives set by Government, relevant legislation sections, documents, maps, and useful web links along with a rational in a hierarchical order, specific for the South Island Forest District Planning Area.

2. The Recreation Resource elements under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) include: interpretive forest sites, recreation sites or recreation trails; trails or other recreation facilities; recreation features. Definitions for terms used in regulations can be found in the FPPR Interpretation section.

3. If you are only interested in viewing or downloading the relevant documents, Maps or GIS files, use the Objectives Matrix Table of Content for Recreation Resources web page.

4. You can also access or download recreation resources related files directly from the Matrix Recreation Resources FTP site.

Using this site is subject to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

The minister may identify interpretive forest sites, recreation sites or recreation trails; trails or other recreation facilities; recreation features as resource features if considers to be of significant recreation value:

Note: this page is updated with the December 13, 2004 (objectives matrix Ver: 3.1) February 24, 2005 (Ver: 3.2) March 2005 (Ver: 3.3) 2006 (Ver: 3.4) amendments to FRPA and regulations.

  • The sign:indicates that new information has been added.
  • The sign: indicates that this page or a section has been modified or updated on July 04, 2006.


  • Responsible Agency: since January 1, 2006 the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts (MoTSA) took over responsibility for forest recreation sites and trails from the Ministry of Forests (MoFR) and is now mandated to address recreation resources values.
  • Hierarchy of Direction: FRPA provides the foundation for directions, however other legal direction can augment or replace.
    • Currently* the VILUP identifies enhanced forestry zones (EFZ) (EFZ Map), with specific recreation values in the SIFD. For more detail read the land use objectives section.
  • Rationale for Hierarchy of Direction: This is the direction that reflects hierarchy (refine; replace; adds to; consistent with; or no conflicts) when more than one objective exists in a particular area for a particular element:
    • Currently* there are no conflicting objectives referring to recreation resources values within the higher level plans (HLP) and objectives set by government (OSBG).
  • Area of Application: defined geographic extent, sub-set of planning area:
    • The recreation resources objectives apply to the entire South Island Forest Service (SIFD) area.
    • The enhanced forestry zones (EFZ), and the Clayoquot Sound Plan Area has additional requirements.


I. Land use Objectives:

  • Legal objectives and strategies contained within approved Higher Level Plans (HLP)
  • Currently* the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan (VILUP) is the higher level plan in the SIFD,
  • The Higher Level Plan Order signed on October 2000 establishes the legally binding objectives,
  • The land use objectives referring to recreation resources in the higher level plans for the SIFD are outlined in the VILUP Higher Level Plan Order in the following sections:
  • D.) for all Enhanced Forestry Zones, as shown on Map 1, save and except the parts of those zones which are designated as community watersheds as defined in section 41 (8) of the Act:

    7.) To increase short-term availability of timber,

    (a) a cutblock may be larger than 40 ha pursuant to section 11(2)(a) of the OPR; and

    (b) pursuant to section 68(4) of the OPR, a cutblock is greened-up if it is adequately stocked and the average height of those trees that are

    (i) the tallest tree in each 0.01 ha plot included in a representative sample, and

    (ii) a commercially valuable species or other species acceptable to the district manager

    is a t least 1.3 meters; unless the district manager determines that a cutblock referred under (a) or (b) would significantly impact specific hydrological, wildlife, biodiversity, scenic or recreation values.

  • The Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan (VISLUP & Appendix), although not a legal document, provides some guidance to implementing the order.
II. Objectives in Regulations:
  • These objectives are set in Sec. 149 (FRPA) of Forest and Range Practices Act, objectives set by government (OSBG) and apply province-wide, and are the most general type of objectives.
  • Currently* there are no objectives in regulations (FPPR) for recreation resources.

Intent: Objectives in regulations are intended to provide goalposts for managing and protecting FRPA values. Results and strategies in operational plans must address and be consistent with these objectives.

Changing Objectives: New or modified objectives in regulation are established through the legislative drafting and amendment process. Objectives in regulations cannot be changed or alternatives proposed at a local level.

III. Objectives Enabled by Regulations:

Objectives enabled by regulation are established by the appropriate Minister, or their delegate, for a specified area. These are the most specific of all objectives, although they are not stated in the regulations, the legislation gives authority to the Ministers, or their delegate, to establish them for various types of areas.

Establishment: The Objectives enabled by regulation come into effect through government actions.

  • Sec. 56 (FRPA) Interpretive forest sites, recreation sites and recreation trails

    "(1) The minister may order

    (a) the establishment of Crown land as an interpretive forest site, a recreation site or a recreation trail except Crown land that is subject to another enactment and is being administered by another minister, branch or agency of government,

    (i) is in a timber supply area, or

    (ii) is subject to a tree farm licence, a woodlot licence, a community forest agreement or a timber licence,

    (b) the variance of the boundaries of an interpretive forest site, a recreation site or a recreation trail, and

    (c) the disestablishment of an interpretive forest site, a recreation site or a recreation trail.

    (3) The minister may establish an objective for an interpretive forest site, recreation site or recreation trail established under subsection (1).

    (4) An objective established under subsection (1) must be consistent with objectives set by government that pertain to the area."

  • The South Island Forest District (SIFD) has an approved GAR Order that identifies the designated recreation sites, trail and interpretive forest sites as resource features under 5(1)(f) GAR . (Dec. 01, 2005)
  • The order is dated December 1, 2005, was posted on the SIFD web site on December 9th, 2005, and advertised in the BC Gazette on December 15th, 2005
  • The above GAR order carries over the designated recreation sites, trails, and interpretive forest sites in to the FRPA world as resource features.
  • The Exhibit "A" maps for the recreation sites, trails and interpretive sites listed in the GAR Order can be downloaded from the FTP site or viewed individually in the table below.
  • A Summary SIFD Key Map listing the recreation sites, trails can be viewed or downloaded from the OM FTP site.

IV. Grandparented Designations & Objectives:

  • The existing designated recreation sites, recreation trails and objectives established under the Sec. 6(3) of the Forest Practices Code (FPC) and listed in the District Manager letter dated: May 14, 1999 are grandparented to FRPA as objectives enabled by regulations.
  • The Grandparented Objectives and Exhibit "A" maps can be downloaded from the FTP site or viewed individually in the table below.
  • Pursuant to Sec 12(7) FPPR, the DM exempted with the Exemption Note dated November 30, 2005 the licence holders operating in the SIFD area from the requirement of writing results and strategies for the grandparented objectives set under Sec. 6(3) Code of BC Act (Nov. 30, 2005)
  • Licence holders operating in the SIFD area have the option to write results and strategies for the grandparented objectives or to use the above exemption and comply with the Sec. 70 (FPPR) practice requirements for resource features. (Nov. 30, 2005)
Recreation Site, Recreation Trail, Interpretive Forest Name / Reference #: Download
Exhibit "A" Maps Additional
Arden Creek recreation site / 900-0214 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Bald Mountain recreation site / 900-0208   Exh. "A" Map info.
Bedwell River trail / 900-5912 Objectives Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Canoe Creek trail / 900-5940   Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Clayoquot Arm Beach recreation site / 900-3131 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Climbers trail / 900-5752 Objectives Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Cobble Hill recreation site / 900-0202 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Cowichan Valley demonstration forest / 900-0249 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Fairy Lake recreation site / 900-0268 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Father and Son Lake recreation site / 900-0467 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Flora Lake recreation site / 900-3130 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Kludahk trail / 900-6605 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Knob Point recreation site / 900-0271 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Koksilah River recreation site / 900-2820   Exh. "A" Map  
Labour Day Lake recreation site / 900-0468 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Legion trail / 900-6602 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Lizard Lake recreation site / 900-0269 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Long Lake trail / 900-5611 Objectives Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Lost Shoe recreation site and trail / 900-5600 Objectives Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Lowry Lake recreation site / 900-3129 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Maple Grove recreation site / 900-0206   Exh. "A" Map info.
Nahmint Lake recreation site / 900-3068 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Nahmint Lake Recreation Site North (also known as Blackies Beach recreation site) / 900-6407 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Nahmint River trail / 900-0015   Exh. "A" Map Trail info.
Nitinat Lake recreation site / 900-0272   Exh. "A" Map  
Nixon Creek recreation site / 900-6854 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Old Baldy Trail / 900-6601 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Pine Point recreation site / 900-0205   Exh. "A" Map info.
San Juan Bridge recreation site / 900-0270   Exh. "A" Map info.
Sarita Point recreation site / 900-0274   Exh. "A" Map  
Sarita Lake recreation site / 900-0273   Exh. "A" Map info.
Scout Beach recreation site / 900-5750 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Snow Creek recreation site / 900-3128 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Spring Beach recreation site / 900-0209 Objectives Exh. "A" Map info.
Stamp River / 900-6400 Objectives Exh. "A" Map  
Toquart bay recreation site / 900-0215   Exh. "A" Map info.

V. Requirements in FPPR for Recreation Resources are:

  • The FPPR does not contain requirements (default results or strategies) for recreation resources.

VI. Factors to Consider in Developing Results & Strategies:

  • There are no factors in regulations (FPPR) to consider in developing results and strategies for recreation resources.

VII. Practice Requirements in the FPPR for Recreation Resources include:

Additional Practice Requirements:

"(1) Unless authorized in writing by the minister or under another enactment, a person must not

    (a) construct,

    (b) rehabilitate, or

    (c) maintain

    a trail or other recreation facility on Crown land.

(2) The minister may impose pre-conditions or conditions of an authorization that the minister considers necessary or desirable, to be met by the person, including, but not limited to, requiring that the person provide security.

(3) A person who obtains an authorization under subsection (1) must comply with any conditions of the authorization.

(4) If the minister determines under section 71 that a person has contravened subsection (1), the minister may order the person to

    (a) remove or destroy or remove and destroy the trail or facility, and

    (b) restore the land underlying the trail or facility.

(5) The minister may revoke or vary an authorization granted under this section."

VIII. Exemptions:

IX. Cumulative Impact: When establishing objectives, the appropriate Minister, or delegate must consider the impact of the proposed objective on the provincial timber supply and cumulative impact on rights granted to timber, woodlot or range agreement holders.

Sec. 19, (FPPR) Division 2.1. Cumulative effect of multiple forest stewardship plans

For the purpose of section 9 [proportional objectives] of the Act, the minister may establish targets referred to in that section, if, where there are likely to be multiple forest stewardship plans within an area,

(a) one or more agreement holders may be unduly constrained in the specifying of results or strategies in the holder's plan unless targets are established under section 9 of the Act,

(b) the agreement holders within the area are unable to reach an agreement that would remove the constraints referred to in paragraph (a),

(c) an agreement holder subject to a constraint referred to in paragraph (a) requests the minister to act under section 9 of the Act, and

(d) the minister is satisfied that a fair and effective order can be made under this section."

X. New Objectives: Once a new objective has been in place for at least four months:

  • New Operational Plans must contain results and strategies to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan
  • Existing Operational Plans must be amended to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan
  • The Government can reduce this four month period for some objectives.

FTP Site for Recreation Resources-Related Documents:

Recreation Related Resources:

For a recreation resources-related resources and other supporting materials visit:

FRPA Resource Evaluation Program:

Recreation Resources Conservation and Evaluation Links:

Resource Values Indicators Site:

Other FRPA values: select form the list below:

  1. Soils
  2. Timber including Forest Health
  3. Wildlife
  4. Fish
  5. Water
  6. Biodiversity
  7. Cultural Heritage Resources
  8. Resource Features
  9. Recreation Resources
  10. Visual Quality
  11. Forage and Associated Plant Communities

Disclaimer: Please note that the government is under no obligation to develop or provide the objectives matrix to FRPA stakeholders. The matrix was developed to assist those who prepare operational plans with identifying objectives for which results and strategies must be developed within operational plans. The Ministry of Forests does not make any guarantees with respect to the accuracy, currency and reliability of the information contained within this objectives matrix.

It is the plan proponent's responsibility to ensure that all legal requirements are met.
The legislation extracts quoted in the text of this web site are for the users convenience only and they do not have legal status.
For the official legal text, please refer to the Queens Printer legal publications.


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