Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Coast Forest Region
Legislation Table of ContentsContact Information for the South Island Forest District
Objectives for Wildlife ver: 3.4
Site Contents
SIFD Home Page  
Web site Index  
A. Objectives Matrix Introduction
B. Objectives set by Government for the FRPA Values
C. Objectives Matrix Site Content List
D. Objectives Matrix FTP Site
1 Soils
2 Timber including Forest Health
3 Wildlife
4 Fish
5 Water
6 Biodiversity
7 Cultural Heritage Resources
8 Resources Features
9 Recreation Resources
10 Visual Quality
11 Forage & Associated Plant Communities
Other Links
FRPA Training Web site
FRPA resource evaluation program
Forest and Range Practices Act site


Marbled Murrelet


Northern Goshawk


Roosevelt Elk

How to use this web site and where to find information:

1. The Objectives Matrix Wildlife page contains Objectives set by Government, relevant legislation sections, documents, maps, and useful web links along with a rational in a hierarchical order, specific for the South Island Forest District Planning Area.

2. The Wildlife Elements under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) include: wildlife habitat areas (WHA), objectives and general wildlife measures (GWM); ungulate winter range (UWR); species at risk (SAR), regionally important wildlife (RIW); specified ungulate species (SUS); wildlife habitat features (WHF). Definitions for terms used in regulations can be found in the FPPR Interpretation section.

3. If you are only interested in viewing or downloading the relevant documents, Maps or GIS files, use the Objectives Matrix Table of Content for Wildlife web page.

4. You can also access or download wildlife related files directly on the Matrix FTP site.

Using this site is subject to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

Note: this page is updated with the December 13, 2004 (objectives matrix Ver: 3.1) February 24, 2005 (Ver: 3.2) and the March 2005 (Ver: 3.3), 2006 (Ver: 3.4) amendments to FRPA and regulations.

  • The sign:indicates that new information has been added.
  • The sign: indicates that this page or a section has been modified or updated on August 01, 2006*.


  • Responsible Agency: the Ministry of Environment (MoE), is mandated to address wildlife values. For more information contact Identified Wildlife Management Strategy Ecosystems Branch, Ecosystem Planning Section of the Ministry of Environment at 250-356-7789 or follow the web link.
  • Hierarchy of Direction: FRPA provides the foundation for directions, however other legal direction can augment or replace.
    • Currently the VILUP identifies the resource management zones RMZ-42 and RMZ-43 (RMZ Map) and the enhanced forestry zones (EFZ) with specific wildlife issues in the SIFD.
  • Rationale for Hierarchy of Direction: This is the direction that reflects hierarchy (refine; replace; adds to; consistent with; or no conflicts) when more than one objective exists in a particular area for a particular element:
    • Currently there are no conflicting objectives referring to wildlife values within the higher level plans (HLP) and objectives set by government (OSBG).
  • Area of Application: defined geographic extent, sub-set of planning area:
    • The wildlife objectives apply to the entire South Island Forest Service (SIFD) area.
    • The approved wildlife habitat areas (WHA), resource management zones (RMZ) the enhanced forestry zones (EFZ), and the Clayoquot Sound Plan Area have additional requirements.


I. Land use Objectives:

  • Legal objectives and strategies contained within approved Higher Level Plans (HLP)
  • Currently (Nov. 2004) the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan (VILUP) is the higher level plan in the SIFD,
  • The Higher Level Plan Order signed on October 2000 establishes the legally binding objectives,
  • Currently* the land use objectives referring to wildlife in the higher level plans for the SIFD are outlined in the VILUP Higher Level Plan Order as:
  • "D.) for all Enhanced Forestry Zones, as shown on Map 1, save and except the parts of those zones which are designated as community watersheds as defined in section 41 (8) of the Act:

    7.) To increase short-term availability of timber,

    (a) a cutblock may be larger than 40 ha pursuant to section 11(2)(a) of the OPR; and

    (b) pursuant to section 68(4) of the OPR, a cutblock is greened-up if it is adequately stocked and the average height of those trees that are

    (i) the tallest tree in each 0.01 ha plot included in a representative sample, and

    (ii) a commercially valuable species or other species acceptable to the district manager

    is at least 1.3 meters; unless the district manager determines that a cutblock referred under (a) or (b) would significantly impact specific hydrological, wildlife, biodiversity, scenic or recreation values."

  • "Sec. F, for Resource Management Zone 42 (Corrigan LU)

    11. Retain old seral forest in CWHvm1 in accordance with the full old seral target of 13 per cent for the variant.

    11.1 Despite objective 11, up to one third of the old seral target may be recruited form second growth provided that:

    (b) such recruitment will not impact the ability to conserve suitable habitat of identified wildlife in accordance with the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy"

  • "Sec. J, for Resource Management Zones 43 (Sarita)

    15.) Retain old growth forests to meet old seral targets and marbled murrelet habitat requirements in non-contributing land base to the fullest extent possible

    16.) Beyond retention in the non-contributing land base, retain old forests in the timber harvesting land base, up to the full target amount, if the district manager and the designated environmental official determine that such retention is required to maintain critical marbled murrelet habitat."

  • For spatial location of the RMZ please see: RMZ Map
  • The Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan (VISLUP & Appendix), although not a legal document, provides some guidance to implementing the order.

II. Objectives in Regulations:

  • These objectives are set in Sec. 149 (FRPA) of Forest and Range Practices Act, objectives set by government (OSBG) and apply province-wide, and are the most general type of objectives.
  • Sec. 7 (FPPR) , of Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, objectives set by government for wildlife for forestry practices:

(1) "The objective set by government for wildlife is, without unduly reducing the supply of timber from British Columbia's forests, to conserve sufficient wildlife habitat in terms of amount of area, distribution of areas and attributes of those areas, for

(a) the survival of species at risk,

(b) the survival of regionally important wildlife, and

(c) the winter survival of specified ungulate species.

(2) A person required to prepare a forest stewardship plan must specify a result or strategy in respect of the objective stated under subsection (1) only if the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act gives notice to the person of the applicable

(a) species referred to in subsection (1), and

(b) indicators of the amount, distribution and attributes of wildlife habitat described in subsection (1).

(3) if satisfied that the objective set out in subsection (1) is addressed, in whole or in part, by an objective in relation to a wildlife habitat area or an ungulate winter range, a general wildlife measure, or a wildlife habitat feature, the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act must exempt a person from the obligation to specify a result or strategy in relation to the objective set out in subsection (1) to the extent that the objective is already addressed.

(4) On or after December 31, 2004 , a notice described in subsection (2) must be given at least 4 months before the forest stewardship plan is submitted for approval."
  • Sec. 9 (FPPR), Objectives set by government for wildlife and biodiversity at the landscape level:

"The objective set by government for wildlife and biodiversity at the landscape level is, without unduly reducing the supply of timber from British Columbia's forests and to the extent practicable, to design areas on which timber harvesting is to be carried out that resemble, both spatially and temporally, the patterns of natural disturbance that occur within the landscape."

  • Sec. 9 (1) (FPPR), Objectives set by government for wildlife and biodiversity at the stand level:

"The objective set by government for wildlife and biodiversity at the stand level is, without unduly reducing the supply of timber from British Columbia's forests, to retain wildlife trees."

  • Sec. 10 (RPPR) The objectives set by government for wildlife for range practices are as follows:

    "(a) maintain or promote sustainable, healthy, viable, productive and diverse wildlife populations and their associated habitat;

    (b) minimize disturbance during critical periods to wildlife or to wildlife habitats;

    (c) manage the risk of interaction between predators and livestock."

  • Sec. 9 (WLPPR) of the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practice Regulations refers to the established objectives for woodlot licenses:

"(1) For the purpose of section 13 (1) (b) (i) [content of woodlot licence plan] of the Act, the objectives set by government are as follows:

(c) conserving within riparian areas, at the landscape level, water quality, fish habitat, wildlife habitat and biodiversity;

(e) subject to section 52 (1) [wildlife tree retention], any land use objective.

(2) For the purpose of section 13 (1) (b) (ii) of the Act, the following objectives apply:

(b) subject to subsection (3), conserving sufficient wildlife habitat in terms of amount of area and distribution of areas, and attributes of those areas for

(i) the winter survival of specified ungulate species,

(ii) the survival of a species at risk, and

(iii) the survival of a species of regionally important wildlife.

(3) A woodlot licence holder required to prepare a woodlot licence plan must act in a manner consistent with the objective stated under subsection (2) (b) only if the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act notifies the holder of the applicable

(a) species referred to in subsection (2) (b), and

(b) indicators of the amount, distribution and attributes of necessary wildlife habitat described in subsection (2) (b).

(4) On or after December 31, 2004, a notice described in subsection (3) must be given at least 4 months before the woodlot licence plan is submitted for approval."

Intent: Objectives in regulations are intended to provide goalposts for managing and protecting FRPA values. Results and strategies in operational plans must address and be consistent with these objectives.

Changing Objectives: New or modified objectives in regulation are established through the legislative drafting and amendment process. Objectives in regulations cannot be changed or alternatives proposed at a local level.

III. Objectives Enabled by Regulations:

Objectives enabled by regulation are established by the appropriate Minister, or their delegate, for a specified area. These are the most specific of all objectives, although they are not stated in the regulations, the legislation gives authority to the Ministers, or their delegate, to establish them for various types of areas.

Establishment: The Objectives enabled by regulation come into effect through government actions.

The FRPA and the government action regulation (GAR) give the Minister of Environment (MoE) statutory authority to:

    • Sec. 13 (2) (GAR) regionally important wildlife

      "(2) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may establish one or more categories identifying species of wildlife as regionally important wildlife if satisfied that the species

      (a) are important to a region of British Columbia

      (b) rely on habitat that requires special management that is not otherwise provided for in this regulation or another enactment, and

    • (c) may be adversely impacted by forest practices or range practices."

    • Currently there are no designated regionally important species in the SIFD
  • ESTABLISH SPECIFIED UNGULATE SPECIES (SUS) for which an ungulate winter range is required for winter survival of the species:
    • Sec. 10 (GAR) wildlife habitat areas and objectives

      "(1) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may establish an area as a wildlife habitat area if satisfied that the area is necessary to meet the habitat requirements of a category of species at risk or regionally important wildlife.

      (2) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may establish a wildlife habitat area objective for a wildlife habitat area if satisfied that the wildlife habitat area requires special management that has not otherwise been provided for under this regulation or another enactment.

      (3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), if the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act reasonably believes that a wildlife habitat area is sensitive to damage or disturbance, he or she

      (a) must not disclose the location of the wildlife habitat area in the order,

      (b) must provide written notice of the location of the wildlife habitat area tot he holders are agreements under the Forest Act or the Range Act that will be affected by the order, and

      (c) may attach conditions to the order

      (i) prohibiting those holders from disclosing the location of the wildlife habitat area, or

      (ii) restricting the extent to which, or the persons to whom, those holders may disclose the location of the wildlife habitat area.

      (4) A person to whom a condition referred to in subsection (3) (c) applies must comply with the condition."

Currently* the following Wildlife Habitat Areas, WHA are established for the SIFD area:

Protected Species Habitat (species name is data sensitive):

Marbled Murrelet Protected Habitat :

Douglas-Fir/Garry Oak - Onion Grass Plant Community:

Scouler's Corydalis Plant Community

Additional Information:

    • Important Note: for additional details, updates maps or digital files visit the MoE official WHA web site or contact the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy Ecosystem Branch, Ecosystem Planning Section of the Ministry of Environment at 250-356-7789.
    • Maps in *.e00 Arc format and HP plot files can be also downloaded from the Objectives Matrix FTP site
  • Additional Information on Marbled Murrelet and the Queen Charlotte goshawk:

  • ESTABLISH GENERAL WILDLIFE MEASURES (GWM) for specified areas and categories of species at risk, regionally important species and specified ungulate species:
    • Sec. 9 (GAR) general wildlife measures

      "(1) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may establish a general wildlife measure, to be applied to a specified area, for a category of species at risk, regionally important wildlife or specified ungulate species, if satisfied that

      (a) the measure is necessary to protect or conserve the species in the category in the area to which the measure relates, and

      (b) this regulation or another enactment does not otherwise provide for that protection or conservation.

      (2) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may establish a general wildlife measure for a wildlife habitat area or an ungulate winter range if satisfied that

      (a) the measure is necessary to protect or conserve the wildlife habitat area or ungulate winter range, and

    • (b) this regulation or another enactment does not otherwise provide for that protection or conservation."

    • Currently* there are a number of General Wildlife Measures, GWM designated in the SIFD as part of the signed WHA orders. For more information see the WHA section of this web site (the paragraph above).
    • Information on the Identified Wildlife Strategy can be found on the official MoE web site.
    • For more information you could also consult the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy Procedures for Managing Identified Wildlife, Version 2004 published by MoE.
    • Information for the Coast Region can be found in a tabular form on the Coast Region Identified Wildlife Forest District tables.


  • IDENTIFY CATEGORIES of WILDLIFE HABITAT FEATURES (CWHF) to protect certain bird nests, significant mineral licks and other localized habitat features:
    • Sec. 11 (GAR) wildlife habitat features

      "(1) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act by order may identify any or all of the following as a wildlife habitat feature:

      (a) a fisheries sensitive feature;

      (b) a marine sensitive feature;

      (c) a significant mineral lick or wallow;

      (d) a nest of

      (i) a bald eagle

      (ii) an osprey

      (iii) a great blue heron

      (iv) a category of species at risk that is limited to birds;

      (e) any other localized feature that the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act considers to be a wildlife habitat feature

      if satisfied that the wildlife habitat feature requires special management that has not otherwise been provided for under this regulation or another enactment.

      (2) Identification of a wildlife habitat feature under subsection (1)

      (a) may be by category or type, and may be restricted to a specified geographic location, and

      (b) must be sufficiently specific to enable a person affected by it to identify the wildlife habitat feature in the ordinary course of carrying out forest practices or range practices.

      (3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), if the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act reasonably believes that a wildlife habitat feature is sensitive to damage or disturbance, he or she

      (a) must not disclose the location of the feature in the order,

      (b) must provide written notice of the location of the feature to the holders of agreements under the Forest Act or the Range Act that will be affected by the order, and

      (c) may attach conditions to the order

      (i) prohibiting those holders from disclosing the location of the feature, or

      (ii) restricting the extent to which, or the persons to whom, those holders may disclose the location of the feature.

      (4) A person to whom a condition referred to in subsection (3) (c) applies must comply with the condition."

    • Currently* there are no designated CWHF in the SIFD area.

IV. Grandparented Designations & Objectives:

Existing objectives established under the Forest Practices Code (FPC) will be grandparented to FRPA as objectives enabled by regulations.

    • The following ungulate winter ranges: UWR U-1-002, U-1-012, U-1-013, and U-1-017 are designations and objectives established under FPC, and they are grandparented into the FRPA. For more information see the UWR section of this web page.
    • The following wildlife habitat areas: WHA 1-003, 1-006, 1-023, 1-025, 1-026, 1-027, 1-028, 1-029, 1-030, 1-031, and 1-037 are designations and objectives established under FPC, and they are grandparented into the FRPA. For more information see the WHA section of this web page.
    • Any new UWR or WHA are established under FRPA.

V. Requirements in FPPR for Wildlife are:

The FPPR does not contain requirements (default results or strategies) for wildlife objectives.

VI. Practice Requirements for Wildlife:

  • General Wildlife Measures (GWM): a person conducting practice must comply with each GWM that applies to the area:
    • Sec. 69 (FPPR), general wildlife measures for forest practices:

      "An authorized person who carries out primary forest activities on an area must comply with each general wildlife measure that applies to the area."

    • Sec. 36 (RPPR), general wildlife measures for range practices:

      "(1) If a general wildlife measure is in effect for an area, a range agreement holder who carries out a range practice on the area must ensure that the range practice conforms with

      (a) the general wildlife measure, or

      (b) a proposal approved under subsection (3).

      (2) Despite section 16 (1) [when actions take effect] of the Government Actions Regulation, for the purpose of subsection (1), a general wildlife measure takes effect on January 1 of the year after the order that established the general wildlife measure was made.

      (3) A designated official may exempt a range agreement holder from the requirements of subsection (1) if

      (a) the holder proposes an alternative to the general wildlife measure, and

      (b) the designated official is satisfied that the proposed alternative will achieve the intent of the general wildlife measure."

    • Sec. 55 (WLPPR), general wildlife measures for woodlot licence:

      "Unless exempted under section 79 (2) [Water, Land and Air Protection may grant exemptions], if a general wildlife measure is established for a woodlot licence area, a woodlot licence holder who carries out primary forest activities in the area must comply with each general wildlife measure that applies to the area."
  • Wildlife Habitat Features (WHF): practice must not damage or render ineffective a resource feature or wildlife habitat feature:
    • Sec. 70 (FPPR), Resource features and wildlife habitat features

      "(1) An authorized person who carries out a primary forest activity must ensure that the primary forest activity does not damage or render ineffective a resource feature.

      (2) An authorized person who carries out a primary forest activity must ensure that the primary forest activity does not damage or render ineffective a wildlife habitat feature."

  • Reporting Unidentified Wildlife Habitat Features: any previously unidentified wildlife habitat feature must be reported to the District Manager in the annual report only if it is in or contiguous to the operation and the order establishing the feature requires it to be reported:

VII. Factors to Consider in Developing Results & Strategies:

  • Factors in regulations to be consider in developing results and strategies for wildlife are outlined in Schedule of the FPPR.

Factors 2 (FPPR) Factors relating to objective set by government for water, fish, wildlife and biodiversity in riparian areas

"2) The following factors apply to a result or strategy for the objective set out in section 8 [objectives set by government for water, fish, wildlife and biodiversity within riparian areas]:

    (ii) the role played by trees and understory vegetation in conserving water quality, fish habitat, wildlife habitat and biodiversity,

    (iv) the relative importance and sensitivity of different riparian classes of streams, wetlands, and lakes in conserving water quality, fish habitat, wildlife habitat and biodiversity; "

Factors 3 (FPPR), Factors relating to objectives set by government for wildlife and biodiversity

"3 (1) The following factors apply to a result or strategy for the objective set out in section 9 (1) [objectives set by government for wildlife and biodiversity]:

    (c) the extent to which wildlife habitat areas, ungulate winter ranges, riparian management areas, scenic areas and other areas established to manage forest resources complement efforts to resemble natural disturbance patterns in a landscape, including old growth.

(2) The following factors apply to a result or strategy for the objective set out in section 9 (2):

    (a) the size, structure, amount, location and other characteristics of trees that

    (i) make the trees suitable for wildlife habitat, and

    (b) the extent to which wildlife habitat areas, ungulate winter ranges, riparian management areas, old growth management areas, scenic areas and other areas established to manage forest resources

    (i) provide suitable wildlife habitat"

  • Other factors, or information to be considered will be provided by the Minister of Environment (e.g., list of species).
  • Additional guidance for wildlife habitat objectives:

VIII. Exemptions: A designated official from MoE may exempt a person from practice requirements to comply with general wildlife measures and to avoid damage to a wildlife habitat feature in certain circumstances:

  • Sec 12 (1) (FPPR) Exemptions - when undertaking given for compliance with specified regulations (Dec. 13, 2004)

  • Sec. 92 (FPPR) by Minister responsible for the Wildlife Act may grant exemptions

    "(1) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act may exempt a person from section 69 of this regulation in relation to a general wildlife measure, if satisfied that

    (a) the intent of the general wildlife measure will be achieved, or

    (b) compliance with that provision is not practicable, given the circumstances or conditions applicable to a particular area.

    (2) The minister responsible for the Wildlife Act may exempt a person from section 70 (2) of this regulation if satisfied that compliance with that provision is not practicable, given the circumstances or conditions applicable to a particular area."

IX. Cumulative Impact: When establishing objectives, the appropriate Minister, or delegate must consider the impact of the proposed objective on the provincial timber supply and cumulative impact on rights granted to timber, woodlot or range agreement holders.

Sec. 19, (FPPR) Division 2.1. Cumulative effect of multiple forest stewardship plans

For the purpose of section 9 [proportional objectives] of the Act, the minister may establish targets referred to in that section, if, where there are likely to be multiple forest stewardship plans within an area,

(a) one or more agreement holders may be unduly constrained in the specifying of results or strategies in the holder's plan unless targets are established under section 9 of the Act,

(b) the agreement holders within the area are unable to reach an agreement that would remove the constraints referred to in paragraph (a),

(c) an agreement holder subject to a constraint referred to in paragraph (a) requests the minister to act under section 9 of the Act, and

(d) the minister is satisfied that a fair and effective order can be made under this section."

X. New Objectives: Once a new objective has been in place for at least four months:

  • New Operational Plans must contain results and strategies to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan
  • Existing Operational Plans must be amended to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan
  • The Government can reduce this four month period for some objectives.

FTP site for wildlife related supporting documents:

  • A list of wildlife related supporting documents, designation letters, orders etc, can be found on the FTP site

Wildlife Related Resources:


Resource Values Indicators Site:

Other FRPA values: select form the list below:

  1. Soils
  2. Timber including Forest Health
  3. Wildlife
  4. Fish
  5. Water
  6. Biodiversity
  7. Cultural Heritage Resources
  8. Resource Features
  9. Recreation Resources
  10. Visual Quality
  11. Forage and Associated Plant Communities

Disclaimer: Please note that the government is under no obligation to develop or provide the objectives matrix to FRPA stakeholders. The matrix was developed to assist those who prepare operational plans with identifying objectives for which results and strategies must be developed within operational plans. The Ministry of Forests does not make any guarantees with respect to the accuracy, currency and reliability of the information contained within this objectives matrix.

It is the plan proponent's responsibility to ensure that all legal requirements are met.
The legislation extracts quoted in the text of this web site are for the users convenience only and they do not have legal status.
For the official legal text, please refer to the Queens Printer legal publications.


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