Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Coast Forest Region
Legislation Table of ContentsContact Information for the South Island Forest District
Objectives for Resources Features ver.: 3.4
Site Contents
SIFD Home Page  
Web site Index  
A. Objectives Matrix Introduction
B. Objectives set by Government for the FRPA Values
C. Objectives Matrix Site Content List
D. Objectives Matrix FTP Site
1 Soils
2 Timber including Forest Health
3 Wildlife
4 Fish
5 Water
6 Biodiversity
7 Cultural Heritage Resources
8 Resources Features
9 Recreation Resources
10 Visual Quality
11 Forage & Associated Plant Communities
Other Links
FRPA Training Web site
FRPA resource evaluation program
Forest and Range Practices Act site




How to use this web site and where to find information:

1. The Objectives Matrix Resource Features page contains Objectives set by Government, relevant legislation sections, documents, maps, and useful web links along with a rational in a hierarchical order, specific for the South Island Forest District Planning Area.

2. The Resource Features elements under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) are: karst and caves; range development; research or experimental lands; permanent sample site snow courses; important genetic resources; cultural heritage resources not regulated by Heritage Conservation Act.
Definitions for terms used in regulations can be found in the FPPR Interpretation section.

3. If you are only interested in viewing or downloading the relevant documents, Maps or GIS files, use the Objectives Matrix Table of Content for Resource Features web page.

4. You can also access or download resource features related files directly from the Matrix Forage and Associated Plant Communities FTP site.

Using this site is subject to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

The minister may identify interpretive forest sites, recreation sites or recreation trails; trails or other recreation facilities; recreation features as resource features if considers to be of significant recreation value.

The South Island Forest District (SIFD) has an approved GAR Order that identifies designated recreation sites, trail and interpretive forest sites as resource features under 5(1)(f) GAR. (Dec. 01, 2005) for more information read below and also see the Recreation Resources Web Site

Draft Order to identify karst resource features under Sec. 5(1)(a) GAR. The Coast Forest Region, Nanaimo office is now the contact for the draft karst order.

The determination rational and a summary of comments will be available shortly. For more details contact the Stewardship Section of the SIFD at 250-731-3000.

Note: this page is updated with the December 13, 2004 (objectives matrix Ver: 3.1) February 24, 2005 (Ver: 3.2) March, 2005 (Ver: 3.3) 2006 (Ver: 3.4) amendments to FRPA and regulations.

  • The sign:  indicates that new information has been added.
  • The sign: indicates that this page or a section has been modified or updated on July 04, 2006.


  • Responsible Agency: the Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR) is mandated to address resources featrures values. Since January 1, 2006 the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts (MoTSA) took over responsibility for forest recreation sites and trails from the Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR) and is now mandated to address recreation resources values.
  • Hierarchy of Direction: FRPA provides the foundation for directions, however other legal direction can augment or replace.
    • Currently* the VILUP identifies no resource features in the SIFD.
  • Rationale for Hierarchy of Direction: This is the direction that reflects hierarchy (refine; replace; adds to; consistent with; or no conflicts) when more than one objective exists in a particular area for a particular element:
    • Currently* there are no conflicting objectives referring to resource features values within the higher level plans (HLP) and objectives set by government (OSBG).
  • Area of Application: defined geographic extent, sub-set of planning area:
    • Currently* there are no resource features and objectives identified for SIFD area.


I. Land use Objectives:

  • Legal objectives and strategies contained within approved Higher Level Plans (HLP)
  • Currently the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan (VILUP) is the higher level plan in the SIFD,
  • The Higher Level Plan Order signed on October 2000 establishes the legally binding objectives,
  • Currently there are no land use objectives referring to resource features in the higher level plans for the SIFD.
  • The Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan (VISLUP & Appendix), although not a legal document, provides some guidance to implementing the order.

II. Objectives in Regulations:

  • These objectives are set in Sec. 149 (FRPA) of Forest and Range Practices Act, objectives set by government (OSBG) and apply province-wide, and are the most general type of objectives.
  • Currently* there are no objectives in regulations (FPPR) for resource features.

Intent: Objectives in regulations are intended to provide goalposts for managing and protecting FRPA values. Results and strategies in operational plans must address and be consistent with these objectives.

Changing Objectives: New or modified objectives in regulation are established through the legislative drafting and amendment process. Objectives in regulations cannot be changed or alternatives proposed at a local level.

III. Objectives Enabled by Regulations:

Objectives enabled by regulation are established by the appropriate Minister, or their delegate, for a specified area. These are the most specific of all objectives, although they are not stated in the regulations, the legislation gives authority to the Ministers, or their delegate, to establish them for various types of areas.

Establishment: The Objectives enabled by regulation come into effect through government actions outlined in GAR.

"(1) Subject to subsection (2), the minister responsible for the Forest Act by order may identify one or more of the following as resource features in relation to a specified area:

(a) a surface or subsurface element of a karst system;

(b) a range development;

(c) Crown land used for research or experimental purposes;

(d) a permanent sample site used as a snow course by or on behalf of the federal or Provincial government for the purpose of measuring the water content of the snow pack on a given area;

(e) a cultural heritage resource that is the focus of a traditional use by an aboriginal people and that is not regulated by the Heritage Conservation Act;

(f) an interpretative forest site, recreation site or recreation trail;

(g) a trail or other recreation facility referred to in section 57 of the Act that is authorized by the minister or under another enactment;

(h) a recreation feature that the minister considers to be of significant recreational value.

(2) The minister responsible for the Forest Act may make an order under subsection (1) if the minister is satisfied that the resource feature requires special management not otherwise provided for under this regulation or another enactment.

(3) The identification of a resource feature under subsection (1)

(a) may be by category or type, and may be restricted to a specified geographic location, and

(b) must be sufficiently specific to enable a person affected by it to identify the resource feature in the ordinary course of carrying out forest practices or range practices.

(4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), if the minister responsible for the Forest Act reasonably believes that a resource feature may be subject to damage or disturbance if the location of the resource feature is disclosed, he or she

(a) must not disclose the location of the feature in the order,

(b) must provide written notice of the location of the feature to the holders of agreements under the Forest Act or the Range Act that will be affected by the order, and

(c) may attach conditions to the order

(i) prohibiting those holders from disclosing the location of the feature, or

(ii) restricting the extent to which, or the persons to whom, those holders may disclose the location of the feature.

(5) A person to whom a condition referred to in subsection (4) (c) applies must comply with the condition."

  • The South Island Forest District (SIFD) has finalized the public consultation on the draft GARs orders on September 30, 2005.
  • The final Recreation Resources GAR order was signed on December 01, 2005 and is now in effect:
  • The initial consultation on the draft karst order was conducted by the SIFD Stewardship staff. Based on the comments received and due to the benefits of a regional karst order, the Coast Forest Region, Nanaimo office is now mandated with the drafting of the karst order. Please note that the Draft Order to identify karst resource features under Sec. 5(1)(a) GAR is posted on our web site for information purposes only. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Paul Tataryn at the Regional Office for more information.


"(1) a resource feature as defined in section 1 (2) of the Operational and Site Planning Regulation, B.C. Reg. 107/98, as that regulation was immediately before its repeal, is continued as a resource feature identified under section 5 of this regulation in relation to a specified area if information about the resource feature was

(a) contained in a higher level plan that is applicable to the area and is still in effect, or

(b) made available, in accordance with paragraph (b) of the definition of "known" in section (1) of the Operational and Site Planning Regulation, to one or more holders of

(i) agreements under the Forest Act or Range Act, or

(ii) agreements entered into under the Forest Act or Range Act, in replacement for agreements referred to in subparagraph (I), and

in effect on the coming into force of this section.

(2) A resource feature as defined in section 1 (1) of the Woodlot Licence Forest Management Regulation, B.C. Reg. 325/98, as that regulation was immediately before its repeal is continued as a resource feature identified under section 5 of this regulation in relation to a specified area if information about the resource feature was

(a) contained in a higher level plan that is applicable to the area and is in effect on the coming into force of this section, or

(b) made available, in accordance with paragraph (b) of the definition of "known" in section 1 (1) of the Woodlot Licence Forest Management Regulation, to one or more holders of

(i) woodlot licences under the Forest Act, or

(ii) woodlot licences entered into under the Forest Act in replacement for licences referred to in subparagraph (i), and

in effect on the coming into force of this section."

IV. Grandparented Designations & Objectives:

Existing objectives established under the Forest Practices Code are grandparented to FRPA as objectives enabled by regulations

There are no resource features and objectives grandparented for the South Island Forest District (SIFD).

V. Requirements in FPPR for Resource Features are:

The FPPR does not contain requirements (default results or strategies) for resource features.

VI. Practice Requirements in the FPPR for Resource Features include:

Additional Practice Requirements:

  • Sec. 58 (FRPA) Protection of recreation and range resources on Crown land

    "(1) If the minister determines that it is necessary to protect a recreation or range resource or to manage public recreation use on Crown land, he or she by order may restrict or prohibit

    (a) a non-recreational use of

    (i) any of the following established under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act for recreation:

    (A) a resource management zone;

    (B) a landscape unit;

    (C) a sensitive area, or

    (ii) any of the following that is on Crown land:

    (A) an interpretive forest site;

    (B) a recreation site or recreation trail,

    except any non-recreational use permitted under the Coal Act, the Mineral Tenure Act, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act or the Pipeline Act, or

    (b) a recreational use anywhere on Crown land, except a use that is specifically permitted by or under another enactment.

    (2) The minister may make different orders under subsection (1) for different uses and locations.

    (3) The minister must post a notice of an order under subsection (1) in the area to which the order applies.

    (4) Without lawful authority, a person must not remove, alter, destroy or deface a notice posted under subsection (3)."

  • Sec. 86 (FPPR) Annual reports

"(1) In this section, "reporting period", in respect of the year in which the report referred to in subsection (2) is to be submitted, means the 12 month period beginning on April 1 of the immediately proceeding calendar year;

(3) Before June 1 of each year, an agreement holder must report to the district manager

    (a) for each area in which timber harvesting was completed during the reporting period and to which section 29 of the Act applies the following information:

    (iv) the location and approximate size of all associated wildlife tree retention areas,

    (b) the location of any resource feature or wildlife habitat feature in or contiguous to a cutblock or road of which feature the holder is aware during the reporting period if

    (i) the holder has not, in a previous reporting period, reported the resource feature or wildlife habitat feature, and

    (ii) the order establishing the resource feature or wildlife habitat feature requires the location of the resource feature or wildlife habitat feature to be reported under this section,

(6) Information required under this section must be reported in a form and manner that is satisfactory to the minister."

  • Sec. 38 (RPPR) Resource features

    "(1) A range agreement holder who carries out a range practice must ensure that the range practice does not damage or render ineffective a resource feature.

    (2) The minister may exempt a range agreement holder from the requirement of subsection (1), if satisfied that

    (a) there is no other practicable option for carrying out the range practice, and

  • (b) the exemption is in the public interest."

  • Sec. 56 (WLPPR) Resource features and wildlife habitat features

    "(1) Unless exempted under section 78 (1) [minister may grant exemptions], a woodlot licence holder who carries out a forest practice that could affect a resource feature must

    (a) carry out the measures specified in the holder's woodlot licence plan that relate to the resource feature, or

    (b) if no measures are specified in the holder's woodlot licence plan, ensure that the forest practice does not damage or render ineffective a resource feature."

VII. Factors to Consider in Developing Results & Strategies:

There are no factors in regulations (FPPR) to consider in developing results and strategies for resource features.

VIII. Exemptions:

The Minister of Forests may grant an exemption to practice requirement in regulation to protect resource features.

  • Sec. 70 (FPPR) Resource features and wildlife habitat features

    "(1) An authorized person who carries out a primary forest activity must ensure that the primary forest activity does not damage or render ineffective a resource feature."

  • Sec. 91 (FPPR) Minister may grant exemptions

    "(1) If the minister is satisfied that it is not practicable, given the circumstances or conditions applicable to a particular area, the minister may exempt

    (a) a person from

    (i) one or more of the following sections of the Act: 10; 29; 29.1; or

    (ii) one or more of the following sections of this regulation: 41; 42; 46; 46.1; 50 (2) or (3); 51; 55 to 63; 68; 70 (1); 72; 73; 75; 76; 78; 79; 83 to 85 (1),

IX. Cumulative Impact: When establishing objectives, the appropriate Minister, or delegate must consider the impact of the proposed objective on the provincial timber supply and cumulative impact on rights granted to timber, woodlot or range agreement holders.

Sec. 19, (FPPR) Division 2.1. Cumulative effect of multiple forest stewardship plans

For the purpose of section 9 [proportional objectives] of the Act, the minister may establish targets referred to in that section, if, where there are likely to be multiple forest stewardship plans within an area,

(a) one or more agreement holders may be unduly constrained in the specifying of results or strategies in the holder's plan unless targets are established under section 9 of the Act,

(b) the agreement holders within the area are unable to reach an agreement that would remove the constraints referred to in paragraph (a),

(c) an agreement holder subject to a constraint referred to in paragraph (a) requests the minister to act under section 9 of the Act, and

(d) the minister is satisfied that a fair and effective order can be made under this section."

X. New Objectives: Once a new objective has been in place for at least four months:

New Operational Plans must contain results and strategies to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan

Existing Operational Plans must be amended to address the new objective if applicable to the area under the plan

The Government can reduce this four month period for some objectives.

FTP Site for Resource Features-Related Documents:

Resource features related objectives supporting documents can be found on the SIFD Objectives Matrix FTP site

Resource Features Related Material:


Resource Values Indicators Site:

Other FRPA values: select form the list below:

  1. Soils
  2. Timber including Forest Health
  3. Wildlife
  4. Fish
  5. Water
  6. Biodiversity
  7. Cultural Heritage Resources
  8. Resource Features
  9. Recreation Resources
  10. Visual Quality
  11. Forage and Associated Plant Communities

Disclaimer: Please note that the government is under no obligation to develop or provide the objectives matrix to FRPA stakeholders. The matrix was developed to assist those who prepare operational plans with identifying objectives for which results and strategies must be developed within operational plans. The Ministry of Forests does not make any guarantees with respect to the accuracy, currency and reliability of the information contained within this objectives matrix.

It is the plan proponent's responsibility to ensure that all legal requirements are met.
The legislation extracts quoted in the text of this web site are for the users convenience only and they do not have legal status.
For the official legal text, please refer to the Queens Printer legal publications.


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