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Public Libraries

Strategic Plan for Public Libraries 2004-2007
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British Columbia Public Library Statistics
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Public Libraries in British Columbia

Our libraries are a great investment in community, learning and literacy. They open doors of opportunity for minds hungry for knowledge and adventure. They are the front lines of the effort to make British Columbia the most literate place in the world.
- Premier Gordon Campbell

The role of public libraries becomes even more significant in the information age. Public libraries offer accurate information that is easily accessible. They have led the way in adopting and adapting new technologies. In the past 25 years, libraries have computerized their cataloguing, streamlined checkout procedures, provided electronic delivery of information, and facilitated public access to the Internet.

Fast facts

  • In BC, public library services can be accessed at any one of 238 public library facilities.
  • Many electronic services can be accessed from anywhere you can connect to the Internet.
  • 70 locally appointed library boards, accountable under the Library Act manage and control the public libraries of BC.
  • Last year, library boards were responsible for more than $155 million in annual spending.
  • Local governments fund the lion's share of public libraries' annual operating budgets.
  • All BC public libraries established under the Library Act, are eligible for provincially funded annual per capita operating grants.
  • Provincial operating grants for 2005/06 total over $9.3 million.
BC Public Library Web sites
BC Public Library Contacts

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About the Branch

The Public Library Services Branch exists to provide leadership and support to public library authorities and to sustain the vital role of public library services for all British Columbians.

The major goals of the Branch are:

  • to provide relevant support programs to public libraries;to administer and ensure compliance with the Library Act;to assist libraries in implementing new technologies;to facilitate resource sharing among all types of libraries;to build partnerships with local government, the private sector and community groups;
  • and to guide libraries in identifying and securing revenues from new sources.

The Branch facilitates information sharing among BC public libraries and acts as a liaison with other government departments. While promoting the use of public libraries throughout the province, the Branch also provides leadership at national and provincial levels on all issues affecting libraries.

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Programs & Services

The Branch assists public libraries through a variety of programs and services. These include support through grants, advice and information, training initiatives, interlibrary loan support and library-related publications. Examples include:

Public library staff and trustees should access the Service Centre for a complete list of programs.

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A Strategic Plan for Public Libraries

News Release:
$23.4M to improve literacy, strengthen BC libraries

Released in late 2004, Libraries Without Walls: The World Within Your Reach is a vision for public libraries in British Columbia. This plan is the result of 18 months of intense consultation with the library and municipal communities, outlining clear directions for service development over the next three years and reflecting a commitment to strengthening library services across BC.

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British Columbia Public Libraries Statistics

The Public Library Services Branch annually collects a wide variety of statistics from BC public libraries and publishes them as a booklet called British Columbia Public Libraries Statistics, which is sent to each public library, municipality and regional district in BC.

The data are also available (see Reports and Publications) in Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Excel 97 file formats.

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Reports and Publications

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