Vinyl Fantasy

A showcase of designer toys

By Pedro Mendes | Photographs by Steve Carty
May 11, 2005
The Saddes t Ghost Lamp and The Monsters of Winnipeg Folklore, Marcel Dzama, Canada (2004).

The Saddest Ghost Lamp and The Monsters of Winnipeg Folklore, Marcel Dzama, Canada (2004).

Winnipeg artist Marcel Dzama — he of the Royal Art Lodge — is notorious for strange images involving tree men, naked women and crocodile cowboys. Dzama’s new line of toys, the Monsters of Winnipeg Folklore, looks like a mash-up of his characters and classic Star Wars figurines.

Whereas Star Wars paraphernalia appeals to boys and men who never ceased being boys, designer toys have enthralled a more disparate audience. “Our customers are people of all ages who have an appreciation and imagination for innovative ideas and products,” says Cober. “Many people that shop at our store are part of some creative industry.”

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Pedro Mendes

Vinyl Odyssey
A Showcase of Designer Toys